Good evening, sorry for asking again, but I need to be done with this by tomorrow for school. Basically, when I try to access the this.game variable in the update function, it says that it is undefined, to be specific, I get this; "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'state' of undefined". In my update function I have this:

create: function() {
    map.setCollisionByExclusion([], true, doorLayer);

When I try to access this.game in the update function on the collision action, I get the error mentioned above. Here's the code;

update: function() {
    this.game.physics.arcade.collide(player, doorLayer, function() {
        if (hasItem) {
            this.game.state.start('Hallway'); //This is where I get the error

Thank you for your time.

1 Answer 1


this.game.physics.arcade.collide(player, doorLayer, function() { if (hasItem) { this.game.state.start('Hallway'); //This is where I get the error } });

Notice the inner this refers to the anonymous function you are passing which clearly does not have a member named game.

Ideally, rename this to something else and then use it. Now you can use myself variable inside the anonymous function passed and access myself's properties.


var myself = this;


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