Is it possible to disappear keys in Redis without reason? I'm adding keys to redis:

Transaction transaction = jedis.multi();
transaction.incrBy(positionsQuantityKey, positionQuantity);
transaction.expire(positionsQuantityKey, 24 * 3600);

but after few minutes I ran command:


and the key disappeared. What could delete this key? I'm sure that expire time was succesfully set, because result of this command was 1.

I'm using redis 2.6

1 Answer 1


If you're not doing anything else with Redis during that time, open a MONITOR session with redis-cli and look what goes on - another process could be deleting your key.

Alternatively, perhaps you're running low on RAM and Redis' eviction policy is configured to evict volatile keys.

  • Yes, there was a problem with key eviction due to low RAM.
    – Toma
    Feb 2, 2016 at 8:45

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