as the title might let you suggest I have trouble to get image URL's out of product descriptions in my custom phtml file (located in template folder).

In cms pages/blocks you can use

{{media url="wysywig/Banner/image.jpg"}}

which we do for parts (headlines) of our product descriptions.

Now when I try to display that description out of my phtml file with

<?php echo nl2br($productResult[$i]->getDescription()); ?>

the description gets loaded but the image URL's dont get converted to total URL's like for example "/media/wysywig/banner".

I know that you have to use Mage::getUrl("media") in php/phtml files though this information doesn't help much in my situation.

The only idea I have is to set a string function to search for {{media url="wysywig/banner/image.jpg"}} and replace it with Mage::getUrl("media/wysywig/image.jpg") but I kinda feel like this isn't a very elegant solution.

Or is it the only way? Any help is appreciated. Much thanks and greetings mpfmon

  • 2
    Try to filter your description string with this function before the echo: $description = Mage::getSingleton('widget/template_filter')->filter($description);
    – adrien54
    May 29, 2015 at 15:01
  • Yes! Big thanks it worked immediately. This is how I did it: $description = Mage::getSingleton('widget/template_filter')->filter(nl2br($myProduct->getDescription())); echo $description;
    – mpfmon
    May 31, 2015 at 13:58

2 Answers 2


It doesn't work because it was not planned for the product description to have such media call:

{{media url="wysywig/Banner/image.jpg"}}

However there is nothing wrong doing this, to make it work, you have to filter your description with a widget function:

echo Mage::getSingleton('widget/template_filter')->filter($description);

You must enable "Allow Dynamic Media URLs in Products and Categories" setting in Catalog section of Magento configuration screen. (See attached image)

enter image description here

  • This doesn't help when you want to get URLs within custom php files. I did it as adrien54 said. Thanks for the answer anyway.
    – mpfmon
    May 31, 2015 at 14:53

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