I am trying to bind a PostgreSQL (9.4) UUID array to an array of a wrapper class around each UUID. Please note that these wrappers are integrated throughout the application so removing them is not an option. I am using jOOQ and it's maven plugin (3.5.1) to generate PoJo's, Record and Table classes.

The relevant part of the database schema I'm having trouble binding looks something like:

create table foo (
    id uuid primary key,
    ids uuid[] not null

I had then tried to convert the class using a forcedType element however the classes it generated wouldn't compile. Giving up on that I was just going to leave them generated as UUID's until I experienced some issues where the array values are not cast to uuid's and PostgreSQL thinks the array is a text array in my query [1].

To get around that I have tried to add a Binding [2] and a Converter [3] where the converter wraps the UUID's with our wrapper and the binding adds cast expressions to the generated SQL. This works fine if I write a fluent query [4] however doesn't work correctly when inserting a Record [5]. As I am building the array query piece by piece the insert statement ends up with 'array.length - 1' parametized parts. I suspect I need to override #get and #set methods of the Binding class however I have found the docs a bit light in this area.

So my question is, what is the correct way to bind a UUID array in jOOQ, with or without using a Binding class? Furthermore, is it possible to convert it to a T array in the process?

  1. The query (names changed)
public BazId getBazIdBySearchingFooIdsInReverse(
        @NotNull final OtherId otherId,
        @NotNull final SomethingId somethingId,
        @NotNull final String barTypeName,
        @NotNull final SomethingElseId somethingElseId) {
    final Bar bar = BAR.as("bar");
    final Foo foo = FOO.as("foo");
    return db.select(BAZ.ID)
             .join("lateral unnest(foo.ids) with ordinality as x (id,ord)")
             .fetchOneInto(BazId.class); //Wraps a UUID
  1. The binding
public class FooIdsBinding extends DefaultBinding<Object[], FooId[]> {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L;

    private static final UUIDConverter converter = new UUIDConverter();

    public FooIdsBinding() {
        super(new FooIdsConverter());

    public void sql(final BindingSQLContext<FooId[]> ctx) {
        final RenderContext render = ctx.render();
        final UUID[] uuids = ctx.convert(converter).value();
        for (int i = 0, last = uuids.length - 1; i <= last; ++i) {
            if (i != last) {

    public void register(final BindingRegisterContext<FooId[]> ctx) throws SQLException {
        ctx.statement().registerOutParameter(ctx.index(), Types.ARRAY);

    static class BaseUUIDConverter {

        public FooId[] from(final Object[] from) {
            return from == null ? null : Arrays.stream(from)
                                               .map(that -> new FooId((UUID)that))
                                               .toArray(new FooId[from.length]);

        public UUID[] to(final FooId[] from) {
            return from == null ? null : Arrays.stream(from)
                                               .toArray(new UUID[from.length]);

        public Class<FooId[]> toType() {
            return FooId[].class;

    private static class UUIDConverter extends BaseUUIDConverter implements Converter<UUID[], FooId[]> {

        public FooId[] from(final UUID[] that) {
            return super.from(that);

        public Class<UUID[]> fromType() {
            return UUID[].class;
  1. The converter. Has to be Object[] to make the generated Table compile
public class FooIdConverter extends FooIdsBinding.BaseUUIDConverter implements Converter<Object[],FooId[]> {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L;

    public Class<Object[]> fromType() {
        return (Class)UUID[].class;
  1. A query that works
      .set(FOO.ID, new FooId())
      .set(FOO.IDS, new FooId[]{new FooId(),new FooId()})
  1. A query that doesn't
    foo = new FooRecord();
    foo.setId(new FooId());
    foo.setIds(new FooId[]{new FooId(),new FooId()});


I ended up with this for the binding and converter and it works OK. I had thought I needed to cast each element of the array to a uuid, my implementation of which was causing problems with jOOQ's sql generation, but I think I had only seen error's related to that when jOOQ before I overrode Binding#register to be ARRAY.

  1. Converter

    public class FooIdConverter implements Converter<Object[],FooId[]> {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
        public FooId[] from(final Object[] from) {
            return from == null ? null : Arrays.stream(from)
                                               .map(that -> new FooId((UUID)that))
                                               .toArray(new FooId[from.length]);
        public UUID[] to(final FooId[] from) {
            return from == null ? null : Arrays.stream(from)
                                               .toArray(new UUID[from.length]);
        public Class<Object[]> fromType() {
            return (Class)UUID[].class;
        public Class<FooId[]> toType() {
            return FooId[].class;
  2. Binding

    public class FooIdBinding extends DefaultBinding<Object[], FooId[]> {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
        public FooIdBinding() {
            super(new FooIdConverter());
        public void sql(final BindingSQLContext<FooId[]> ctx) {
        public void register(final BindingRegisterContext<FooId[]> ctx) throws SQLException {
            ctx.statement().registerOutParameter(ctx.index(), Types.ARRAY);
        public void get(final BindingGetResultSetContext<FooId[]> ctx) throws SQLException {
        public void get(final BindingGetStatementContext<FooId[]> ctx) throws SQLException {
        public void get(final BindingGetSQLInputContext<FooId[]> ctx) throws SQLException {
        public void set(final BindingSetStatementContext<FooId[]> ctx) throws SQLException {
            final PreparedStatement ps = ctx.statement();
            ps.setArray(ctx.index(), ps.getConnection().createArrayOf("uuid", ctx.value()));
        public void set(final BindingSetSQLOutputContext<FooId[]> ctx) throws SQLException {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
        protected FooId[] _convert(final Array array) throws SQLException {
            if (array == null) {
                return null;
            } else {
                return converter().from(((UUID[]) array.getArray()));
  • 1
    Interesting update, this will be very useful for future visitors. Note though, that you can also provide an answer to your own question, here on Stack Overflow...
    – Lukas Eder
    Jun 17, 2015 at 5:43
  • Hey @LukasEder, thanks for looking at this. My question was really, 'what is the right way to do it', not 'how can I make it work' as I knew I would be able to hack something together and IMO your answer is on the mark for that. i.e. it should work using the regular custom/forced type mechanism with just a converter. Jun 17, 2015 at 17:52

1 Answer 1


It looks like there is a bug in the jOOQ code generator that prevents UUID[] types from being overridden: #4388

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