I have the following sequences which is in a fasta format with sequence header and its nucleotides. How can I randomly extract the sequences. For example I would like to randomly select 2 sequences out of the total sequences. There are tools provided to do so is to extract according to percentage but not the number of sequences. Can anyone help me?



Expected Output


6 Answers 6


If you are working with fasta files use BioPython, to get n sequences use random.sample:

from Bio import SeqIO
from random import sample
with open("foo.fasta") as f:
    seqs = SeqIO.parse(f,"fasta")
    print(sample(list(seqs), 2))


[SeqRecord(seq=Seq('GAGATCGTCCGGGACCTGGGT', SingleLetterAlphabet()), id='chr1:1154147-1154167', name='chr1:1154147-1154167', description='chr1:1154147-1154167', dbxrefs=[]), SeqRecord(seq=Seq('GTCCGCTTGCGGGACCTGGGG', SingleLetterAlphabet()), id='chr1:983001-983021', name='chr1:983001-983021', description='chr1:983001-983021', dbxrefs=[])]

You can extract the strings if necessary:

 print([(seq.name,str(seq.seq)) for seq in  sample(list(seqs),2)])
 [('chr1:1310706-1310726', 'GACGGTTTCCGGTTAGTGGAA'), ('chr1:983001-983021', 'GTCCGCTTGCGGGACCTGGGG')]

If the lines were always in pairs and you skipped the metadata at the top you could zip:

from random import sample

with open("foo.fasta") as f:
    print(sample(list(zip(f, f)), 2))

Which will give you pairs of lines in tuples:

[('>chr1:983001-983021\n', 'GTCCGCTTGCGGGACCTGGGG\n'), ('>chr1:984333-984353\n', 'CTGGAATTCCGGGCGCTGGAG\n')]

To get the lines ready to be written:

from Bio import SeqIO
from random import sample
with open("foo.fasta") as f:
    seqs = SeqIO.parse(f, "fasta")
    samps = ((seq.name, seq.seq) for seq in  sample(list(seqs),2))
    for samp in samps:


  • May I know how to get rid of the [('....'),('....')] and make the output presentable?
    – Xiong89
    Jul 7, 2015 at 10:14
  • Just like the expected output because i will write the output in a file later.
    – Xiong89
    Jul 7, 2015 at 10:17
  • I edited the answer, you can use str.format and unpack the tuples Jul 7, 2015 at 10:21
  • Is it possible to use any seed so that I can reproduce the same set of samples in future?
    – psuresh
    Dec 15, 2021 at 22:39

Given the file format that you have shown, and assuming that the file is not too large, you don't need any external module (e.g. biopython) to do this:

import random

with open('A.fasta') as f:
    data = f.read().splitlines()
    for i in random.sample(range(0, len(data), 2), 2):
        print data[i]
        print data[i+1]

Example output:


This simply selects 2 random sequence headers (those lines from A.fasta with even indices in data) and the line following it.

If your file is large then external modules might have optimisations to cope with larger data sets.


Don't know much about Fasta, but Python has a Fasta module (you need to install it first).

>>> from pyfasta import Fasta

>>> f = Fasta('tests/test1.fasta')
>>> sorted(f.keys())
['chr1', 'chr2', 'chr3']

Then you can use the sample function from Python's Random module and pick as many as you want at random...

from random import sample
sample(f, how_many_you_want)
import sys,random
from Bio import SeqIO
from Bio.Seq import Seq
from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord
from Bio.Alphabet import generic_protein

# Use: python   scriptname.py   number_of_random_seq   infile.fasta   outfile.fasta

infile = sys.argv[2]                                #Name of the input file
seq = list(SeqIO.parse(infile,"fasta"))             #Create a list with all the sequence records
print "Input fasta file = ", infile

totseq = len(seq)                                   #Total number of sequences in the input file
print "Number of sequences in the original file = ", totseq

randseq = int(sys.argv[1])                          #Number of random sequences desired
print "Number of random sequences desired = ", randseq

if randseq > totseq:
  print "The requested number of random sequences is greater that the total number of input sequences. Exiting."

outfile = sys.argv[3]                               #Name of the output file
print "Output fasta file = ", outfile

outrandseq = []
outlist = []
print "Randomly chosen output sequences:"

for i in range(randseq):
  choose = random.randint(1,totseq-1)               #Choose a random sequence record number
  for j in range(len(outrandseq)):                  #Test to see if the random sequence record number has already been chosen
    if choose == outrandseq[j]:
      choose = random.randint(1,totseq-1)           #Choose a new random sequence record number if the current one has already been chosen
  print choose
  outseq = seq[choose]
  outlist.append(outseq)                            #Append seq record to output list

SeqIO.write(outlist, outfile, "fasta")              #Write the output list to the outfile

  • I've used this extensively in my own work. It's fine. I'm a part-time hack so it may not be perfect. Nov 15, 2018 at 20:04
import sys,random
from Bio import SeqIO
from Bio.Seq import Seq
from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord
from Bio.Alphabet import generic_protein

# I use this from small numbers of sequences (input file up to 10000 sequences) and it works fine. 
# For very large sequence sets it may be too slow -- I just have not tried.

# Use: python   scriptname.py   number_of_random_seq   infile.fasta   outfile.fasta

infile = sys.argv[2]                                #Name of the input file
seq = list(SeqIO.parse(infile,"fasta"))             #Create a list with all the sequence records
print "Input fasta file = ", infile

totseq = len(seq)                                   #Total number of sequences in the input file
print "Number of sequences in the original file = ", totseq

numrandseq = int(sys.argv[1])                       #Number of random sequences desired
print "Number of random sequences desired = ", numrandseq

if numrandseq > totseq:
  print "The requested number of random sequences is greater that the total number of input sequences. Exiting."

outfile = sys.argv[3]                               #Name of the output file
print "Output fasta file = ", outfile

outrandseqset = []
i = 1
for i in range(numrandseq):                         #Create a list of random sequence record numbers for output
  choice = random.randint(1,totseq)

i = 1
j = 1
duplicate = 1
while duplicate:                                    #Make sure no sequences are duplicated in the list
    duplicate = 0
    for i in range(numrandseq):
      for j in range(i+1, numrandseq):
        if outrandseqset[i] == outrandseqset[j]:
            outrandseqset[j] = random.randint(1,totseq)
            duplicate = 1

i = 1
print "Randomly chosen output sequences:"
for i in range(numrandseq):
  print outrandseqset[i]

outlist = []
i = 1
for i in range(numrandseq):                         #Create the list of seq records to be written to the output file
  seqnum = outrandseqset[i]
  outseq = seq[seqnum]

SeqIO.write(outlist, outfile, "fasta")              #Write the output list to the outfile

  • New version version of my script that checks for duplicates. Nov 17, 2018 at 2:34

Depends if you have unix sort or shuf installed. If so, its very easy Select random 3000 lines from a file with awk codes

  1. Create a list of headers

grep '>' A.fasta >FILE

  1. Then select 2 random lines from that file

CONTIGS=sort -R FILE | head -n2|tr "\n" " "


CONTIGS=shuf -n2 FILE|tr "\n" " "

Then, use samtools to extract

samtools faidx A.fasta $CONTIGS

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