I have the following entities ( pseudo code to save space)

Program [ int Id, 
          string Name, 
          List<ProgramFoodType> ProgramFoodTypes, 
          List<ProgramFood> ProgramFoods]

ProgramFoodType[ int Id, int ProgramId, int Type, bool IsActive]
ProgramFood [ int Id, int ProgramId, Food Food, FoodType FoodType]
Food [int Id, string Name]
FoodType [int Id, string Name]

my task is to get single Program with its related ProgramFoodTypes with condition ProgramFoodType should be active and ProgramFoods with related entities Food and FoodType

I used the following so far

1- the below query will retrieve the details of ProgramFoodTypes and ProgramFoods but it will bring all active and inactive ProgramFoodTypes

var program = mEntities.Programs
                          .Include(p =>p.ProgramFoodTypes)
                          .Include(p =>p.ProgramFoods.Select(f =>f.Food))
                          .InClude(p =>p.ProgramFoods.Select( f =>f.FoodType))
                          .Where(m =>m.Id== Id);

2- the below query will retrieve the details but missing the Food and FoodType

var program = (from p in mEntities.Programs
              where p.Id ==Id
              select new {
                 Program = p,
                 ProgramFoodTypes = from pf in p.ProgramFoodTypes
                                    where pf.IsActive
                                    select pf,                  
                 ProgramFoods = p.ProgramFoods // here i can't add include statement
              }).ToArray().Select(m => m.Program);

how to include the food and food type in the second query?

3 Answers 3


For your second solution, I think you can use:

var program = (from p in mEntities.Programs
                  .Include(p => p.ProgramFoods.Select(f => f.Food))
                  .Include(p => p.ProgramFoods.Select(f => f.FoodType))
               where p.Id == Id
               select new {
                  Program = p,
                  ProgramFoodTypes = from pf in p.ProgramFoodTypes
                                     where pf.IsActive
                                     select pf,                  
               }).ToArray().Select(m => m.Program);

update: Since you're using anonymous type in your linq query, Include statements are dismissed.
You'd have to load all related ProgramFoodTypes on client side, and then do the filtering:

var program = mEntities.Programs
                   .Include(p => p.ProgramFoodTypes)
                   .Include(p => p.ProgramFoods.Select(f => f.Food))
                   .Include(p => p.ProgramFoods.Select(f => f.FoodType))
                   .SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id == Id);

program.ProgramFoodTypes = program.ProgramFoodTypes.Where(pft => pft.IsActive);  

You can use AsNoTracking() or clone the returned Program object in a new object in case you want to make sure your data will be intact on db-side.

  • the Food and FoodType still empty in the result
    – Monah
    Jul 8, 2015 at 11:50
  • Ahh I see. That's because you selected anonymnous oobject not the entity itself. updating my answer...
    – Kamyar
    Jul 8, 2015 at 11:56
  • I was trying to avoid splitting the query and to make it simple, the missing part was that i can Include the food and food type in the anonymous child query, as @tschmit007 mentioned in his answer, thank you for your updates, i think it will work since it was splitted.
    – Monah
    Jul 8, 2015 at 12:12

may be:

var program = (from p in mEntities.Programs
          where p.Id ==Id
          select new {
             Program = p,
             ProgramFoodTypes = from pf in p.ProgramFoodTypes
                                where pf.IsActive
                                select pf,                  
             ProgramFoods = p.ProgramFoods.Select(y => new {
                 Food = y.Food,
                 Type = y.FoodType
          }).ToArray().Select(m => m.Program);
  • It worked fine, just i added the ProgramFood it self or it will not be retrieved, thank you
    – Monah
    Jul 8, 2015 at 12:09

Try this:

var program = mEntities.Programs
                       .Include(p => p.ProgramFoodTypes)
                       .Include(p => p.ProgramFoods.Select(f => f.Food))
                       .InClude(p => p.ProgramFoods.Select(f => f.FoodType))
                       .SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id == Id && m.ProgramFoodTypes.All(t => t.IsActive));
  • it returned System.NullReferenceException ( Object reference not set to an instance of an object).
    – Monah
    Jul 8, 2015 at 11:47
  • If you mean that program is null, that's because no results found that are matching the criteria.
    – haim770
    Jul 8, 2015 at 11:58
  • I think what OP is trying to achieve is to fetch the object but only related ProgramFoodTypes that their IsActive are set to true.
    – Kamyar
    Jul 8, 2015 at 12:04
  • I am getting the result normally but not like what i want when i remove the m.ProgramFoodTypes.All(t=>t.IsActive), it seems the where clause was applied before actually including the entities? something like this
    – Monah
    Jul 8, 2015 at 12:07

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