I have the following line:

    given some books I've given to my son.

Notice the four spaces in front of the "Given". I want to match the "given" following whitespace at the beginning of the line with a regex. I do not want the second "given" to match.

If I use \s*given it will match both words. If I add the ^ for the beginning of the line (^\s*given) it does not match either.

Try to enter \s*The and ^\s*The on this RegexOne example to understand the problem.


For some reason, the fox example works now and the regex works on another site, so here's my full example:

  given an egg
    and some milk
    and the ingredient flour
   when the cook mangles everything to a dough
    and the cook fries the dough in a pan
   then the resulting meal is a pan cake

And my awk expressions that all don't match:

/^\s*given/ { print "given()."}
/^[\s]*and/ { print "and()."}
/^\s*when/ { print "when()."}
/^\s*then/ { print "then()."}

They all match once I remove the ^.

  • Please check this demo. Isn't it what you need? Jul 25, 2015 at 16:19
  • It is. Why is it working in that demo and not in awk and on the RegexOne site? :-(
    – Dominik
    Jul 25, 2015 at 16:21
  • If you type ^\s*The on RegexOne, you will get the first The highlighted. It works there. It is actually correct and is what you need. Jul 25, 2015 at 16:30
  • Yes. This leaves me even more confused. I've updated the question with the real life example.
    – Dominik
    Jul 25, 2015 at 16:34
  • grep -oP '^\s*\K\w*', awk '{print $1}', sed 's/\s*\(\S*\).*/\1/' … everyone is work. Try to pass lines through hd -c to see if there are \s on the begining
    – Costas
    Jul 25, 2015 at 16:50

2 Answers 2


As Ed Morton mentioned, some Awks (such as The One True Awk) only support POSIX character classes, so \s is not matching whitespace, it's matching the letter s.

Since you're using * to match zero or more occurrences:

awk '/\s*given/' file

matches because there are zero occurrences of s at the beginning of the line, whereas:

awk '/^\s*given/' file

will never match because there are unmatched characters (whitespace) between ^ (start of line) and the word given.

If you were to use + to match one or more occurrences, you'd see that this does not work either:

awk '/\s+given/' file

so the obvious solution is to use [[:space:]]:

awk '/^[[:space:]]*given/' file

But since Awk's default is to split fields by whitespace, if you wish to match a word against the first set of non-whitespace characters, it's more straight forward to compare the word with the first field $1.

awk '$1 == "given"' file

to match completely, or:

awk '$1 ~ /^given/' file

to match against the beginning of the first field.

As an aside, if you want to test your regex against a set of words and print them appended with ()., as is shown in your example, you could use the string functions match and substr like this:

awk '{
    m = match($0, /^[[:space:]]*(given|and|when|then)/) # or match($1, /.../)
        print substr($1, RSTART, RSTART+RLENGTH) "()."
}' file



This regex can match what you're looking for:


It matches all the whitespace characters in the front including the first "given".

You can play with it here:


Edit: Changed it to Ed Morton's suggestion.

  • 3
    A "regexp" is close to useless without which tool handles that regexp as desired. Most awks, for example, would treat that regexp as a start-of-string, then a letter s repeated 0 or more times, and then the word given and some of them would warn you about the useless escape char before the s, That's probably not what the OP wants.
    – Ed Morton
    Jul 26, 2015 at 0:50

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