
I have a situation where the value of a variable "err error" value can only be "nil" but asserts "( err == nil ) == false" once it has been reassigned.

Example code below:

package main

import (

type TestError struct {
    Message string

func (e *TestError) Error() string {
    return e.Message

func NewTestError(err error) *TestError {
    if err == nil {
            return nil
    log.Printf("NewTestError( ... ): creating new NewTestError err = %s", err)
    return &TestError{Message: err.Error()}

func main() {
    var err error
    _, err = fmt.Printf("excuse.\n")
    err = NewTestError(err)
    log.Printf("main( ... ): err == nil. %v", (err == nil))
    log.Printf("main( ... ): err = %#v", err)

I get the following output from the above code:

2015/07/30 08:28:28 main( ... ): err == nil. false
2015/07/30 08:28:28 main( ... ): err = (*main.TestError)(nil)

How can those last two lines be output?


2 Answers 2


For an interface value (like an error value) to compare equal to nil, both the actual contained value and the actual contained type have to be nil. In your case you have an interface value, which holds a nil pointer, but a *TestError (i.e. non-nil) type.

PS. Just in case it's not clear what are these "interface values", you can check this http://research.swtch.com/interfaces

  • Is there a generic non-interface pointer type that both objects can be cast to for the purpose of comparison? Jul 30, 2015 at 20:47

In the second case you're printing the interface instances information which is the type and the value, type being (*main.TestError) value being (nil). In the first case what you're actually comparing isn't nil because it's also the interface.

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