I'd like to know how to generate random network graphs with a specific number of nodes and edges in PHP. I've scoured the web tirelessly and even came across this SO question but the answers were for Javascript only.
I also saw this SO question but it was for Java and I'm really not a PHP expert to recreate that solution using PHP.

I'd later visualize the graph using GraphViz if that makes the question a little bit clearer.

1 Answer 1


Okay, so I saw this solution somewhere but can't lay my hands on the link

This is the code;


$maxNode = 100;
$maxEdge = 500;
//generate random edges

$e =[];
for ($n=1; $n <= $maxEdge; $n++) { 

    $e[] = [rand(1, $maxNode), rand(1, $maxNode)];

//remove duplicates and self-loops

$dup = [];
foreach ($e as $i => $v) {

    if ($v[0] == $v[1]) {

    $d = $v[0] .':' .$v[1];
    if (isset($dup[$d])) {


        $dup[$d] = true;

$graph = <<<EOF
digraph randomGraph {

    graph [ dpi = 300 ];
    size ="5,8"
    node [shape = circle];


    foreach ($e as $edge) {

        list($from, $to) = $edge;
        $graph .= "$from -> $to \n";


    echo $graph;

Credit to whoever wrote this!

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