I have a Cassandra process that was created and defined in early Cassandra versions. So far, we used an hector driver to connect to it. Im in a process of changing the driver to DataStax to enjoy the CQL new features and to allow asynchronous access.

I encounter some problems in the process of doing that transition. I've read this upgrade guide which shed some light though I still encounter some problems.

The biggest one is that I cant access the keyspace with a protocol version bigger than one. When I try the following python code:

cass4 = Cluster(['MyIp'])
cass4.protocol_version = 2
session = cass4.connect('myKeySpace')

This code yields the following errors and warnings:

ERROR:cassandra.connection:Closing connection <AsyncoreConnection(4849045328) IP:9042> due to protocol error: code=000a [Protocol error] message="Invalid or unsupported protocol version: 2"
WARNING:cassandra.cluster:Downgrading core protocol version from 2 to 1 for IP
WARNING:cassandra.metadata:Building table metadata with no column meta for keyspace

With the Java driver, I simply get a NoHostAvailableException: All host(s) tried for query failed connection error if im trying to connect with a protocol version bigger than 1.

This connection problem is causing me a lot of trouble building an appropriate Java DAO. for example, if Im trying to do batch update, e.g.:

BatchStatment batch = new BatchStatement()

I get the following error:

com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.UnsupportedFeatureException: Unsupported feature with the native protocol version 1 (which is currently in use): Protocol level batching is not supported

Running a "BEGIN BATCH.." operation directly on a cluster node using cqlsh works, So I know this CQL command can be executed, but I dont know how to prepare it in Java and execute it with protocol version 1. Also, the cassandra and CQL version an the cluster seems appropriate:

[cqlsh 3.1.7 | Cassandra | CQL spec 3.0.0 | Thrift protocol 19.36.2]

So, questions are:

  1. Why is this happening?
  2. Can I connect to that keyspace with a protocol version greater than 1?
  3. If not, Can I somehow bypass this batch update problem?
  • Does this work on a brand new keyspace? What Cassandra version are you using?
    – phact
    Aug 9, 2015 at 15:56
  • Im using Cassandra Ill try the code on a brad new keyspace and let you know..
    – idoda
    Aug 10, 2015 at 7:20

1 Answer 1


The answer for this issue was eventually found here:

Can I combine Batches and PreparedStatements?

Starting with Cassandra 2.0 and the corresponding versions of the C#, Java, and Python drivers, PreparedStatements can be used in batch operations (nb before that you could still prepare a complete batch operation, but you’d need to know apriori the number of statements that will be included).

Since my Cassandra version is 1.2xx, I cant use batch updates and prepared statements.

A work around is to create the query as a string (Ya, that's dirty) and than execute the string query.

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