Does pygame.display.set_mode have to be used to utilize the keyboard keys? Once I added it to my code everything worked - but I do not want to open a pygame window.

Does anyone know how to utilize the keyboard without having to call pygame.display.set_mode ?

1 Answer 1


You have to use pygame.display.set_mode to create a window, since it's this very window that recieves the keyboard events from your OS' window manager.

You can run pygame without a window (by setting the environment variable SDL_VIDEODRIVER to "dummy"), but you can't recieve keyboard events with pygame then.

Maybe you want to look into low-level hooks (e.g. here's an example for windows).

  • Hmm okay, thank you. I'm using pygame.joystick without opening a window, so I was hoping I would be able to add additional functionality with the keyboard (also without opening a window), but I guess that may not be possible with pygame. Thanks!
    – Murphy
    Sep 14, 2015 at 17:59

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