I am trying to decode the bitstring to decimal value. For e.x I have these kind of bitstrings

<<96,64,112,153,9:4>>. I want to convert them to decimal values like you take four bits as a digit (96(01100000) --> 60( first four bits is 6, next four bits is 0) , 64 --> 40 and so on. The output would be 604070999. The last 9:4 represents that you consider 4 bits to represent.

Can anyone help in doing this function erlang.

1 Answer 1


If you have a binary rather than a bitstring (i.e., without the trailing 9:4 part), you can apply a hex conversion to each byte within a binary comprehension, then convert the resulting binary to an integer:

1> Bin = <<96,64,112,153>>.
2> binary_to_integer(<< <<(integer_to_binary(B,16))/binary>> || <<B:8>> <= Bin >>).

The same also works for your bitstring, taking 4 bits at a time instead of 8 in the comprehension:

3> Bits = <<96,64,112,153,9:4>>.
4> binary_to_integer(<< <<(integer_to_binary(B,16))/binary>> || <<B:4>> <= Bits >>).

But as @Hynek-Pichi-Vychodil points out in the comments, for the bitstring you don't need the integer_to_binary/2 call at all, but instead can convert each 4-bit digit to its corresponding character by adding $0, the literal for the character 0:

5> binary_to_integer(<< <<($0+B)>> || <<B:4>> <= Bits >>).
  • If you are doing binary_to_integer/1 there is no reason for integer_to_binary(B, 16). binary_to_integer(<< <<($0+B)>> || <<B:4>> <= Bin >>) is sufficient. Oct 6, 2015 at 14:25
  • 1
    @Hynek-Pichi-Vychodil true; I first experimented with handling binary rather than bitstring and so was using <<B:8>> rather than <<B:4>>, and integer_to_binary/2 is needed in that case. I'll happily edit and extend the answer if you like. Oct 6, 2015 at 15:46
  • @SteveVinoski: I will be honored ;-) Oct 6, 2015 at 17:03

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