Defining to_s on a class works as I expect:

class Foo
  def to_s

f = Foo.new
"hello #{f}" # => "hello Joe"

I attempt to utilize to_i and expect it to work in a similar fashion. I expect that, by defining to_i to be a number, then anywhere a number is expected, the object will return that number in the place of the object; in a situation like the following, I expect it to return the integer 5. Instead, it raises an error:

class Foo
  def to_i

f = Foo.new
5 + f # => TypeError: Foo can't be coerced into Fixnum

What does defining to_i enable? How do you utilize it? Can I implicitly represent this object as an integer and return 0 just like the object implicitly returns the string "Joe"?

  • 2
    This will work if you implement to_int, see stackoverflow.com/questions/11182052/…
    – matt
    Oct 12, 2015 at 1:57
  • @matt would you mind elaborating a bit more? I did this: def to_int; 0; end and it errored out just the same as the to_i definition above.
    – Neil
    Oct 12, 2015 at 2:04
  • 1
    @matt: No, it's coerce: class Foo; def coerce(n) [0, n] end end.
    – cremno
    Oct 12, 2015 at 3:48
  • @cremno Yes, you’re right, sorry. to_int will work for other things like using it as an array index, but you need coerce for arithmetic.
    – matt
    Oct 12, 2015 at 12:55

1 Answer 1


The crucial difference between the two cases is that string interpolation "#{}" calls to_s implicitly while Fixnum#+ does not call to_i implicitly on its argument.

Defining to_i only lets you call it (explicitly). Whether or not it is called implicitly depends on where that is used. There is nothing you can do to make to_i be called implicitly just by defining to_i. If you really want to do it, you have to modify Fixnum#+.


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