I am using the vertical menu setting on mmenu and am wondering if I can animate the display of the secondary list items when the expand/collapse link is clicked? I tried applying CSS transitions but the sub menu just hides and shows. I also removed the CSS that changes the from display:none to display:block and tried to just use opacity.

Any ideas?


  • 1
    can you provide a small demo at all?
    – scniro
    Oct 23, 2015 at 21:25

1 Answer 1


I was able to get this working as follows: Remove this CSS

.mm-vertical li.mm-opened > .mm-panel,
li.mm-vertical.mm-opened > .mm-panel {
  display: block; }

Add this jQuery:

var API = $( '#site-navigation' ).data( 'mmenu' );
API.bind( "openPanel", function( $panel ) 
$panel.slideDown( 'slow' );
API.bind( "closePanel", function( $panel ) {
$panel.slideUp( 'slow' );

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