I am new to Play Framework, and I wanted to implement an interceptor or a filter that gets executed before the request goes to the Action class.

I wanted an interceptor/filter that to return HTTP error (e.g. 401), if a certain header variable is not present.

I did some googling, and I found out about the Filter (play.api.mvc.Filter) object, but the implementation returns mvc.Result, instead of Response.

override def apply(next: (mvc.RequestHeader) => Future[mvc.Result])(request: mvc.RequestHeader)

Another solution that I can think of is to create a customized Action by extending ActionBuilder, but I'd rather not do that, If I can design a catch all functionality like Filter.

Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

2 Answers 2


For future reference. This is the implementation of the filter. Thanks to tryx for the help.

import play.api.mvc
import play.api.mvc.{RequestHeader, Filter}
import play.api.mvc.Results._
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global

class AuthorizedFilter(requestHeader: RequestHeader) extends Filter {

  private def authorizationRequired(request: mvc.RequestHeader) = {

      map( authorizedValue => authorizedValue.eq("ABCDEFG")).


  override def apply(next: (mvc.RequestHeader) => Future[mvc.Result])(request: mvc.RequestHeader) =  {
      if(authorizationRequired(request)) {

        println("YOU are authorized!!")


      println("NOT AUTHORIZED!")
      Future {Unauthorized }

Create a Filter object in the root level of the application. (/app).

import javax.inject.Inject

import play.api.http.HttpFilters

class Filters @Inject() (authorizedFilter: AuthorizedFilter) extends HttpFilters {

  def filters = Seq(authorizedFilter)

In your filter you have 2 options, you can either call next which passes control to the next filter or you can return a Future[Result] explicitly which terminates the chain. If you call next, eventually the filter chain will end and it will reach the action.

It sounds like you want a filter with an apply method like

apply(next: RequestHeader => Future[Result])(request: RequestHeader): Future[SimpleResult] = {
  if (headersok){
  } else {
    Future{ Unauthorized }



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