I am trying to achieve a "crt-like" scrolling glitch effect using Javascript and CSS. I have come up with the following code which clones the content and applies clip to make it look like it scrolls while adding random horizontal offset.

function scanglitch() {
    var e = $('#wrapper').clone().appendTo('#glitchcontainer');
    var i = 0;
    e.css({"clip": "rect(" + i + "px,3830px," + (i + 15) + "px,0px)"});
    var interval = setInterval(function () {
        e.css({"clip": "rect(" + i + "px,3830px," + (i + 15) + "px,0px)"});
        e.css({"left": Math.round(Math.random() * 10) + "px"});
        if (i > window.innerHeight) {
    }, 40);

Fiddle (Click on the text to see the effect)

I am actually quite pleased with the effect, but the implementation is obviously a hack. As a result the performance is unacceptably low (chrome cpu usage spikes from 5% to 50% when the effect is triggered).

Could someone help me figure out a way to achieve this effect in a more elegant and less performance-heavy way?

UPDATE: I have implemented your suggestions: Using translate instead of left, scrolling with translate instead of a js loop, calculations outside of the css tag and using requestAnimationFrame(). The code is nicer and more predictable now, but the animations are still very taxing. New fiddle

  • Performance could be improved by not calculating anything inside the .css() method and using translate instead of left positioning. The clip property is deprecated by the way.
    – Shikkediel
    Dec 3, 2015 at 11:11

2 Answers 2


You can try using requestAnimationFrame (it is available in almost all browsers). Seems to make a big difference in Chrome.



Here's a transition-only version, and while it doesn't even implement the jitter, it's useful for comparison. Surprisingly(?) it shows about the same, if not more, CPU usage. (You can check the Profile and Timeline tabs in Chrome)

CSS3 Transition-Only JSFiddle

Here's some information about why that should be expected. Essentially, CSS transitions and requestAnimationFrame work very similarly under the hood.

  • That's like only treating symptoms instead of the illness though.
    – Shikkediel
    Dec 3, 2015 at 11:18
  • Thank you for your answer! It is indeed a more elegant solution. However performance is still an issue with this approach.
    – Hartger
    Dec 3, 2015 at 11:24
  • 1
    I think you are stuck with the performance. See my edit and second fiddle. Dec 3, 2015 at 16:48
  • I think you're right. I might look into a way to detect low framerate and disabling the animations when the client seems to struggle with them. Anyway, thank you very much for your help! (I sadly cannot mark both answers as the solution, but both were equally helpful so I picked the other one at random)
    – Hartger
    Dec 4, 2015 at 8:47

I would delegate as much as possible to css transitions. So instead of moving the clip with js in the interval callback, transition it from top to bottom (example of transitioning).

You could try something similar with the left property, there's no random easing function but maybe you could achieve something similar with one of the bounce functions. Maybe change the easing function with an interval that's less frequent than your current one.

Also, just by slowing the interval of your current solution you'd get visually ok results with less CPU usage.

Side-note: for a completely different route you can replicate your html in a canvas and apply some effects to that. Google has plenty of results for "canvas glitch".

Update: here's my version of your latest fiddle

I get about 10 % less cpu usage with it when comparing to yours. Key differences are:

  • uses a timeout instead of requestAnimationFrame. requestAnimationFrame is meant to keep framerate high and the animation smooth but we don't need that for the random offsetting. Timeout is also better than an interval since the loop function is quaranteed to finish before next iteration starts.

  • removed the transparent background, since transparency has a rendering cost

  • I redone the code to use transitions instead of using js. It sadly doesn't have much impact on performance. It seems the DOM-rendering is just very taxing, regardless of how it is called.
    – Hartger
    Dec 3, 2015 at 11:31
  • See my edit in my answer. How are you measuring CPU usage? I find little to no difference, and smoother animation using the requestAnimationFrame method vs timeout vs transitions Dec 3, 2015 at 16:51
  • I checked CPU usage from windows task manager and some individual execution times from chrome profiler.
    – ekuusela
    Dec 3, 2015 at 20:17

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