I have an object which, in JSON, would look like this:

  'class': ['nav-link', 'dropdown-toggle'],
  'data-toggle': ['dropdown']

I need to then be able to append another class to the class array inside the object.

This code doesn't seem to work; it just overwrites the class array.

{% set link_attribs = { 'class' : ['nav-link', 'dropdown-toggle'], 'data-toggle':'dropdown'} %}
{% set link_attribs = link_attribs|merge({'class': ['highlighted']}) %}

Really I want to do something like this, but it just throws a punctuation error.

{% set link_attribs.class = link_attribs.class|merge(['highlighted']) %}

Any ideas?


2 Answers 2


Using Twig, you can't set object properties directly, so "set (...).class" will never work. But instead, you can create a new variable that will inherit from both default and options values (just like in most JavaScript codes).

For example:

  set options = link_attribs | merge({
      'class': link_attribs.class | merge(['highlighted']) 

{% for class in options.class %}
  {{ class }}
{% endfor %}

Will display:


See fiddle.

  • That looks like a bit like an inline version of my possible answer: stackoverflow.com/a/34229624/224707. It's a shame Twig doesn't like you set object properties.
    – Nick
    Dec 12, 2015 at 15:17
  • I understand your point, and in small projects this could be very useful. But changing object values in Twig doesn't make sense: as a template engine, it should only render things, without changing the application state.
    – Alain
    Dec 12, 2015 at 15:41

This looks like it works:

{% set c = link_attribs.class %}
{% set c = c|merge(['highlighted']) %}
{% set link_attribs = link_attribs|merge({'class': c}) %}

Not sure if its the most elegant way though.

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