Sorry for the second post , but I wanted to include the errors I'm getting.

"import matplotlib" works. get_backend() retuns "TkAgg"( change made in RC file)

but "import matplotlib.pyplot as plt returns: Python 3.4.2 (default, Oct 19 2014, 13:31:11) [GCC 4.9.1] on linux Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in File "/usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/matplotlib-1.5.0-py3.4-linux-armv7l.egg/matplotlib/pyplot.py", line 114, in _backend_mod, new_figure_manager, draw_if_interactive, _show = pylab_setup() File "/usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/matplotlib-1.5.0-py3.4-linux-armv7l.egg/matplotlib/backends/init.py", line 32, in pylab_setup globals(),locals(),[backend_name],0) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/matplotlib-1.5.0-py3.4-linux-armv7l.egg/matplotlib/backends/backend_tkagg.py", line 13, in import matplotlib.backends.tkagg as tkagg File "/usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/matplotlib-1.5.0-py3.4-linux-armv7l.egg/matplotlib/backends/tkagg.py", line 9, in from matplotlib.backends import _tkagg ImportError: cannot import name '_tkagg'

  • 1
    @bobsterman any sequence should work as input to plot
    – tacaswell
    Dec 24, 2015 at 18:21
  • what does plt.get_backend() return? My guess is it has defaulted to Agg which is a non-interactive backend. Dose plt.save_fig('test.png') do the right thing?
    – tacaswell
    Dec 24, 2015 at 18:22
  • @tcaswell yes to both of your questions, "Agg" and image file was created. Id this something that can be changed in a confiig file? Or is it a build issue? TX David Dec 24, 2015 at 21:54
  • either modify your matplotlibrc file or import matplotlib; matplotlib.use('tkagg'); import matplotlib.pyplot as plt. It is important to call use before you import pyplot
    – tacaswell
    Dec 24, 2015 at 22:09
  • See, matplotlib.org/faq/usage_faq.html#what-is-a-backend Which interactive backends are available will depended on what else is installed on your system
    – tacaswell
    Dec 24, 2015 at 22:10


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