I am using ImageMagick with PHP to resize images (using its commandline tool "convert").

I am able to resize images and everything works.

What I want to do is I want to resize an image (of any dimension) to an image setting the minimum width and maximum height and at the same time preserve the image resolution/aspect ratio. How do I do this?

Why I want this: I am putting these images in a news feed in my website where I require images to be of width:100% but the problem is height becomes too large for certain images and occupies an entire page. I want to avoid it.

This is what I am using for resize:

$cmd="convert -thumbnail ".$width."x".$height." \"".$source."\" \"".$dest."\";";

1 Answer 1


You can find the resize options on the Imagemagick website: http://www.imagemagick.org/script/command-line-processing.php#geometry

I do not think these will achieve what you want so I would check the dimensions of your image and calculate the height to go with your width which you can use in your convert code.

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