How it is possible to limit the number of results retrieved from a database?

select e from Entity e /* I need only 10 results for instance */

3 Answers 3


You can try like this giving 10 results to be fetched explicitly.

             .setParameter(arg0, arg1)

It will automatically create native query in back-end to retrieve specific number of results, if the backend supports it, and otherwise do the limit in memory after getting all results.

  • 5
    "It will automatically create native query in back-end to retrieve specific number of results" - only if the database and the dialect supports it. If not, JPA will query all results and filter them in-memory. The developer must be aware of that, since it may affect the performance a lot. What's more, with some (more complicated) queries, JPA doesn't even try to use the LIMIT/TOP functionality, for instance when it would lead to wrong results.
    – Adam Dyga
    Nov 28, 2013 at 12:33
  • 1
    @AdamDyga Yes, it's implementation specific, some provide them explicitly. Thanks for adding information. Nov 29, 2013 at 7:53

You can set an offset too using setFirstResult()


If you are using Spring data JPA, then you can use Pageable/PageRequest to limit the record to 1 or any number you want. The first argument, is the page no, and the second argument is the number of records.

Pageable page = PageRequest.of(0, 1);
Entity e = entityRepository.findAll(page);

Make sure the entityRepostitory interface extends JpaRepository (which supports sorting and pagination).

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