Is it possible to "rethrow" an error from recover and keep the original stack trace? The best I know how to do is to panic again, but that does create a new stacktrace.

func do() {
    defer func() {
        if x := recover(); x != nil {

My motivation for wanting this is that unless my function exits normally or handleError runs, my program deadlocks. And unless I preserve the original strack trace, I do not know where it crashed.


3 Answers 3


The solution is to not call recover, because then neither rethrowing nor accessing the stack trace is possible. Use a bool flag instead of recover to check for panic.


func do() {
    panicked := true
    defer func() {
        if panicked {
    panicked = false
  • 4
    Note that this approach means you shouldn't return anywhere in do() except at the end, below panicked = false. Or you'll have to explicitly set panicked = false before any other return statement, which is error-prone. Anyone modifying this function later needs to understand this or will regress the logic in the deferred func. I do wish panics could be "re-thrown" as in Java or C# to preserve the original stack trace without resorting to this.
    – debuggr
    Apr 18, 2018 at 19:55
  • This proposed Go feature will help accomplish it better: proposal: Go 2 error values #29934
    – user7610
    Feb 7, 2019 at 15:33
  • 1
    Is this answer still correct? Looking at the std library they "rethrow" the panic after recovering. The problem I have with not recovering is that I can't get access to the underlying error and stack trace without doing so. Nov 15, 2021 at 10:47

Defered functions higher up in the stack will run on panic, even if they don't call recover().

Simply remove the if-statement and the re-panic. Then handle your error, and let the panic continue up the stack.

func do() {
    defer handleError()

a simple demo:


func a() {
    defer func() {
func b() {
    defer func() {

func main() {
    fmt.Println("Hello, playground")


Hello, playground
  • 1
    That would work in some cases, but not for me. I call handleError only if there actually is an error. What handleError does is to cause some other gorutines to terminate so that they do not deadlock. I do not want to kill them when there was no error. When there is no error, I do something different. I added a cleanUp() call to the question to show what I mean.
    – user7610
    Jan 17, 2016 at 21:23
  • 2
    Then you can set a boolean variable, named "succ", initially set to false, and set to true at the end of the function. If succ is set, do not call handleError.
    – David
    Jan 18, 2016 at 5:21

As Daniel Conde Marin questioned here

I do not believe you need to worry about calling panic and passing in a recover()'s response object creating a cryptic or "new" stack trace, at least in go 1.17. It looks like doing so simply adds another "src/runtime/panic.go:<linenum>" frame to the trace.

See this example test: https://goplay.space/#5i1RCJyiFJr

Go does not treat panics like other languages treat try/catch/throw/finally.

  • That’s amazing :). Jul 10, 2023 at 6:48

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