I am studying Android and I am having a little problem. My mistake is I used eclipse to install/download some of the Android SDK. And I want to move to Android Studio but how can I use my downloaded android sdk in Eclipse?

  • 1
    this is what you looking for: stackoverflow.com/questions/16581752/…
    – nikk
    Jan 21, 2016 at 5:20
  • android studio would automatically detect the existing sdk from your machine I guess or will ask you to locate the sdk. If it does not work, go to file->Appearance & Behavior -> System Settings -> Android SDK and then change it to your desired location Jan 21, 2016 at 5:31

1 Answer 1


You can set the downloaded sdk folder path here: File->Settings->Android SDK(in left side of the window)-> Android SDK location(in top of window)

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