I'm trying to extract quite a bit of data from a perfectly structured web page and struggling with Mojo::DOM methods. I would really appreciate it if anyone could point me in the right direction.

The truncated HTML with interesting data follows:

 <div class="post" data-story-id="3964117" data-visited="false">//extracting story-id
  <h2 class="post_title page_title"><a href="http://example.com/story/some_url" class="to-comments">header.</a></h2>
  //useless data and tags

<a href="http://example.com/story/some_url" class="b-story__show-all">
  <span>useless data</span>

<div class="post_tags">
    <li class="post_tag post_tag_strawberry hidden"><a href="http://example.com/search.php?n=32&r=3">&nbsp;</a></li>
    <li class="post_tag"><a href="http://example.com/tag/tag1/hot">tag1</a></li>
    <li class="post_tag"><a href="http://example.com/tag/tag2/hot">tag2</a></li>
    <li class="post_tag"><a href="http://example.com/tag/tag1/hot">tag3</a></li>

<div class="post_actions_box">

  <div class="post_rating_box">
    <ul data-story-id="3964117" data-vote="0" data-can-vote="true">
      <li><span class="post_rating post_rating_up control">&nbsp;</span></li>
      <li><span class="post_rating_count control label">1956</span></li> //1956 - interesting value
      <li><span class="post_rating post_rating_down control">&nbsp;</span></li>

  <div class="post_more_box">
        <span class="post_more control">&nbsp;</span>
        <a class="post_comments_count label to-comments" href="http://example.com/story/some_url#comments">132&nbsp;<i>&nbsp;</i></a>


What I have right now is

use strict;
use warnings;

use Data::Dumper;
use Mojo::DOM;

my $file = "index2.html";
local( $/, *FH ) ;
open( FH, $file ) or die "sudden flaming death\n";
my $text = <FH>;
my $dom = Mojo::DOM->new;
my $ids = $dom->find('div.post')
    ->each (sub {print $_->attr('data-story-id'), "\n";});
$dom->find('a.to-comments')->each (sub {print $_->text, "\n";});

This mess extracts data-story-id from the src and header value (tested the same with href value), but all my other attempts fail.


"post_rating_count control label" is not extracted. I could get the first href values with searching for a.to-comments and returning attr('href'), but for some reason it also returnes me values of a link in the end of the segment with class="post_comments_count label to-comments". The same happens with header value extraction.

In the final end I am looking for an array with data structure with following fields:

  • story-id (this is is a success)
  • href (somehow, matching more than needed.)
  • header (somehow, matching more than needed.)
  • list of tags as a string (no idea how to do that)

What is more, I feel it is possible to optimize the code and make it look a bit better, but my kung-fu is not so strong.

  • Your HTML isn't well-formed. You have a superfluous closing </div> tag, which makes me wonder whether you have removed an opening <div> tag in the "useless content and html structures". Please can you fix it
    – Borodin
    Feb 3, 2016 at 9:29
  • yes, indeed, sorry about that. updated the code.. Feb 3, 2016 at 9:57
  • Thank you. Is there not a single element that encloses all the data for each post? In other words, does the next <div class="post"> really follow on immediately after the <div class="post_actions_box">?
    – Borodin
    Feb 3, 2016 at 10:08
  • Just was in progress for testing. May I please ask you several questions in the "answer" section? Feb 3, 2016 at 23:46
  • I'm not happy with my solution until you've resolved my doubts about the real content of the HTML, so can we fix that first? Stack Overflow is a knowledge base rather than a forum, so every entry is like a Wikipedia article and should be as correct as possible. I can create a chat room where we can talk, but I would like to know the nature of your questions first
    – Borodin
    Feb 3, 2016 at 23:54

1 Answer 1


Your HTML is malformed as I said in my comment. I've guessed where the missing <div> might go but I'm probably wrong. I've assumed the last </div> in the data corresponds to the first <div>, so that the whole block constitutes a single post

The main problem you have is trying to do everything inside an each method call on your Mojo::Collection objects. It's far easier to use Perl to iterate of each collection, like this

use strict;
use warnings;

use Mojo::DOM;

use constant HTML_FILE => 'index2.html';

my $html = do {
    open my $fh, '<', HTML_FILE or die $!;
    local $/;

my $dom = Mojo::DOM->new($html);

for my $post ( $dom->find('div.post')->each ) {

    printf "Post ID:     %s\n", $post->attr('data-story-id');

    my $anchor = $post->at('h2.post_title > a');
    printf "Post href:   %s\n", $anchor->attr('href');
    printf "Post header: %s\n", $anchor->text;

    my @tags = $post->find('li.post_tag > a')->map('text')->each;

    printf "Tags:        %s\n", join ', ', @tags;

    print "\n";


Post ID:     3964117
Post href:   http://example.com/story/some_url
Post header: Header
Tags:        some_value, tag1, tag2, tag3

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