I'm trying to implement password validation using regex or javascript. unfortunately i'm a total newbie to Regex :/

the criteria are :

  • minimum length: 8 characters (can be upper or lower case)
  • must contain 1 special character (something like !?$%&@)
  • must contain at least one number

i found the following snippet but it's missing checking for at least character of type special+number ..

function validPassword(password) {
    var has_letters = (/[a-zA-Z]/).test(password);
    var has_numbers = (/[0-9]/).test(password);
    var has_length = 3 <= password.length && password.length <= 30;
    return has_letters && has_numbers && has_length;



4 Answers 4


You can use below regex to validate your password:

var regex = "^(?=.*[A-Za-z])(?=.*\d)(?=.*[$@$!%*#?&])[A-Za-z\d$@$!%*#?&]{8,}$";

This will check validation for Minimum 8 characters at least 1 Alphabet, 1 Number and 1 Special Character.


Another way would be

function validPassword(password) {

    return password.length > 8 
       && password.match( /[\d]/ ) 
        && password.split( /[\W]/ ).length == 2 ;

password.length > 8 checks the length should be minimum 8

password.match( /[\d]/ ) checks if it has at least one number

password.split( /[\W]/ ).length == 2 checks if it has one special character

  • Any line that makes you scroll horizontally to see it all is too damn long ;) Feb 22, 2016 at 11:18
  • @NiettheDarkAbsol hope its not too long now :) Feb 22, 2016 at 11:19

Your regex should be like this:


Here is the detail:

(?=^.{6,}$) - String is > 5 chars
(?=.*[0-9]) - Contains a digit
(?=.*[A-Z]) - Contains an uppercase letter
(?=.*[a-z]) - Contains a lowercase letter
(?=.*[^A-Za-z0-9]) - A character not being alphanumeric.

Add one extra check:

function validPassword(password) {
    var has_letters = /[a-zA-Z]/.test(password);
    var has_numbers = /\d/.test(password);
    var has_special = /[!?$%&@]/.test(password);
    var has_length = (password.length >=8 && password.length <= 30);

    return has_letters && has_numbers && has_special && has_length;

However if you want a single regex to do all this then use lookaheads:

var re = /^(?=.*\d)(?=.*[!?$%&@])(?=.*?[a-zA-Z]).{8,30}$/;

var isValid = re.test(password);
  • i suppose it doesnt check for length=1 on special character and number(?)
    – Fuxi
    Feb 22, 2016 at 11:17
  • I believe you want at least one special character? Or is it that you want exact one special character?
    – anubhava
    Feb 22, 2016 at 11:18
  • 1
    @Fuxi you haven't said 'number should be exactly one', you said must contain at least one number Feb 22, 2016 at 11:18
  • 1
    @anubhava yes you were right, sorry for that .. at least number was correct
    – Fuxi
    Feb 22, 2016 at 11:25

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