I am running a pig script in -hcatalogue mode and it is failing at the map reduce job execution. It says one of the map reduce job is failing. What would be the best way to troubleshoot. i am trying to find the log file but i could not get it. Is there any specific place i can find the logs?

1 Answer 1


Log of pig-script is created in the working directory from where you have run the pig script or started the pig-console.

For Map-Reduce log you have to check the [HADOOP_HOME]/logs/userlogs directory. you will get ERROR message either in sysout file or syserr file.

  • Thank you for answer.. I am facing difficult in getting the value of my hadoop_home variable. Do you know where can I find them. looks like those are not set Apr 4, 2016 at 23:37
  • 1
    HADOOP_HOME variable is not set by default. You have to set it manually to the location where you have extracted the hadoop-xxxx.tar.gz file. If you are running Pig in local mode i.e. pig -x local then you don't need to set HADOOP_HOME variable.
    – Mahendra
    Apr 5, 2016 at 6:15

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