As title,I want to draw an image of ELF file format.The ELF Header has offset of program headers table and section headers table,so I want to use two arrows pointer to point out the relationship.But the edges overlap the node(record) even after I have overlap=false and splines=true set.I have search for a while,but my situation is that the arrows somewhat point to parts of itself.

Following is the dot file I am using to generate the png file.

digraph g {
graph [rankdir="LR"]

"ELF File" [
label="<f0> ELF Header\n e_shoff=0x118| <f1> Program Headers Table | <f2> .text | <f3> .data | <f4> .rodata| <f5> .comment | <f6> .shstrtab | <f8> .symtab | <f9> .rel.text | <f7> Section Table"

"ELF File":f0 -> "ELF File":f1 [label="e_phoffset"]
"ELF File":f0 -> "ELF File":f7 [label="e_shoff"]

1 Answer 1


One possible solution is to use "east" node ports on one of the edges, so that this edge appears on opposite side of the record. You do this by appending :e to the node name. For example:

"ELF File":f0:e -> "ELF File":f7:e [label="e_shoff"]

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