
I want to create a union function for two images (created using lists of type string.) I have started by creating a unionList function that combines two lists.

unionList :: String -> String -> String  
unionList xs ys =  xs ++ foldl (flip delete) ys xs

This works but not how i want it too.
I want it to work like:

input = unionList [’ ’,’ ’,’X’,’X’,’ ’] [’X’,’ ’,’X’,’ ’,’X’] 
output = "X XXX"

any ideas on how it's done to achieve this.

EDIT: I'm ultimately trying to create a union of two images.

image 1 = ["  XX  ",     image 2 = ["XX XX",         type Img = [String]
           " X  X ",                "  X  ",
           "  XX  "]                "XX XX"]          


Input = (imgUnion (image 1) (image 2))

should give me the union of the two images.
imgUnion defined as

imgUnion :: Img -> Img -> Img
  • Start with a solution that only works on lists of length 1 and uses pattern matching (on lists and Char literals). Google "pattern matching haskell" if you don't understand what I mean. Then add more cases (to match the empty list) and a recursive call to unionList to support lists of arbitrary length.
    – jberryman
    Apr 6, 2016 at 15:29
  • 3
    Look at zipWith. Apr 6, 2016 at 15:29
  • @ReinHenrichs - I looked into zipWith and will use it for the image union. but i want to get the unionList function to work as defined above first and use it with zipWith.
    – evian1
    Apr 6, 2016 at 15:32
  • unionList is the function that I am suggesting you use zipWith for. The function as defined above is wrong, and I don't know how to make it work, since it is wrong. Apr 6, 2016 at 15:33
  • 1
    Try doing it with zipWith. I don't want to just give you the answer because this is homework. Apr 6, 2016 at 15:45

1 Answer 1


There are probably better ways to do this, but I had some fun trying out a couple of methods.

Pattern matching on list head item:

unionList1 :: String -> String -> String
unionList1 ('X':xs) ( _ :ys) = 'X' : unionList1 xs ys
unionList1 ( _ :xs) ('X':ys) = 'X' : unionList1 xs ys
unionList1 ( _ :xs) ( _ :ys) = ' ' : unionList1 xs ys
unionList1     _        _    = []


unionList2 :: String -> String -> String
unionList2 (x:xs) (y:ys)
  | x == ' '   = y : rest
  | y == ' '   = x : rest
  | otherwise  = x : rest
  where rest   = unionList2 xs ys
unionList2 _ _ = []

And a solution as proposed with zipWith:

unionList3 :: String -> String -> String
unionList3 = zipWith (\x y -> if x /= ' ' then x else y)

You can then use one of these union functions on the image:

imgUnion :: [String] -> [String] -> [String]
imgUnion = zipWith unionList3

main :: IO ()
main = do
    let img1 = ["  XX  ",
                " X  X ",
                "  XX  "]
        img2 = ["XX XX",
                "  X  ",
                "XX XX"]

    mapM_ putStrLn (imgUnion img1 img2)

Gives as output:

  • It is for the UnionList function. How will i include this for the image union function. (edit in question)
    – evian1
    Apr 6, 2016 at 16:29
  • I've edited my answer to include your edited question, is this what you're looking for? Apr 6, 2016 at 16:38

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