I have a problem with simple update in my console command (Symfony based).

This is my code:

function showMemoryUsage()
    $memory = memory_get_usage();
    $memory/= 1024;
    if ($memory < 1024) {
        $this->output->writeln('Memory usage: ' . round($memory, 2) . ' KB');

    $memory/= 1024;
    if ($memory < 1024) {
        $this->output->writeln('Memory usage: ' . round($memory, 2) . ' MB');

    $memory/= 1024;
    if ($memory < 1024) {
        $this->output->writeln('Memory usage: ' . round($memory, 2) . ' GB');

// ...

$stmt = $conn->prepare("UPDATE product_counters SET counter = :count WHERE id = :id");

foreach($cursor as $k => $counterData) {
    if ($counterData['_id']) {
        $stmt->execute([':count' => (int)$counterData['count'], ':id' => (int)$counterData['_id']]);


I have to update 88 000 rows.

First memory usage is only 14 MB. Second memory usage is about 400 MB. How can I decrease this usage? I've tried to use gc_enable && gc_collect_cycles, I've tried to unset $stmt after foreach, but with no result. Can you suggest a way to decrease memory usage?

  • 1
    Why $stmt=null;?
    – hjpotter92
    Apr 24, 2016 at 13:46
  • Don't nullify your statement, that doesn't do anything for your code at all, it makes no sense.
    – N.B.
    Apr 24, 2016 at 13:57
  • Sorry, it's mistake. I've tried many possibilities. I've edited first post. Now it's correct, but memory is still overloaded.
    – michail_w
    Apr 24, 2016 at 17:17
  • Where are you getting values to update your table? From an api, a feed, from table, user based ?
    – HddnTHA
    Apr 24, 2016 at 17:22
  • I'm getting them from MongoDB, just before. It's simple array('id'=>'value'). Data from MongoDB are paginated into 1000 rows. While I'm processing single page, I run PDO update statement, which is presented in first post. I've checked memory usage by Mongo queries, and data which I get from Mongo. It doesn't overload my memory as much as this PDO statement does. Mongo takes about 60MB of data, and when I unset those values, memory i free. I'm sure, that PDO makes problems here.
    – michail_w
    Apr 24, 2016 at 17:27


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