Here's a simple perl script that is supposed to write a utf-8 encoded file:

use warnings;
use strict;

open (my $out, '>:encoding(utf-8)', 'tree.out') or die;

print $out readpipe ('tree ~');

close $out;

I have expected readpipe to return a utf-8 encoded string since LANG is set toen_US.UTF-8. However, looking at tree.out (while making sure the editor recognizes it a as utf-8 encoded) shows me all garbled text.

If I change the >:encoding(utf-8) in the open statement to >:encoding(latin-1), the script creates a utf-8 file with the expected text.

This is all a bit strange to me. What is the explanation for this behavior?

  • See Enocde::Locale for how to incorporate locale information.. For your current problem: readpipe returns bytes (which will be already encoded as UTF-8). PerlIO layer >:encoding(utf-8) will encoded it once more when you print it to file. Solution: Convert the byte string to a Perl string before printing to the file. For example, use Encode::decode() May 2, 2016 at 17:42

1 Answer 1


readpipe is returning to perl a string of undecoded bytes. We know that that string is UTF-8 encoded, but you've not told Perl.

The IO layer on your output handle is taking that string, assuming it is Unicode code-points and re-encoding them as UTF-8 bytes.

The reason that the latin-1 IO layer appears to be functioning correctly is that it is writing out each undecoded byte unmolested because the 1st 256 unicode code-points correspond nicely with latin-1.

The proper thing to do would be to decode the byte-string returned by readpipe into a code-point-string, before feeding it to an IO-layer. The statement use open ':utf8', as mentioned by Borodin, should be a viable solution as readpipe is specifically mentioned in the open manual page.

  • " readpipe returns to perl a string of bytes" Please would you link to the documentation that says so?
    – Borodin
    May 2, 2016 at 15:09
  • @Borodin, I'd love to, unfortunately I'm having trouble finding any docs for it that reflect it's been modified for the post IO-layers world. I wonder if perl's -C command line argument can modify it's behavior, but I've not checked.
    – tjd
    May 2, 2016 at 15:21
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    @ThisSuitIsBlackNot: Thank you very much. Since opendir is a PerlIO operation I suspect it will be affected by use open ':utf8' which is a nice tidy solution
    – Borodin
    May 2, 2016 at 16:36
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    @Borodin after your use open ':utf8' suggestion, I looked at the docs for it. Finally, a mention of readpipe in a modern, IO layered context. I've updated my answer to reflect this information.
    – tjd
    May 2, 2016 at 17:05

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