In perl/python DBI APIs have a mechanism to safely interpolate in parameters to an sql query. For example in python I would do:

cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM table WHERE value > ?", (5,))    

Where the second parameter to the execute method is a tuple of parameters to add into the sql query

Is there a similar mechanism for R's DBI compliant APIs? The examples I've seen never show parameters passed to the query. If not, what is the safest way to interpolate in parameters to a query? I'm specifically looking at using RPostgresSQL.

  • 3
    The latest version of DBI has sqlInterpolate which will safely interpolate variables into a string.
    – hadley
    May 10, 2016 at 12:37

2 Answers 2


Just for completeness, I'll add an answer based on Hadley's comment. The DBI package now has the function sqlInterpolate which can also perform this. It requires a list of function arguments to be named in the sql query that all must start with a ?. Excerpt from the DBI manual below

sql <- "SELECT * FROM X WHERE name = ?name"
sqlInterpolate(ANSI(), sql, name = "Hadley")
# This is safe because the single quote has been double escaped
sqlInterpolate(ANSI(), sql, name = "H'); DROP TABLE--;")
  • 2
    What is ANSI() and is it possible to interpolate unsafely (for example, table name as a parameter)?
    – Pranasas
    Apr 10, 2017 at 9:28
  • It's a function from the DBI package, where the documentation says that it is "a dummy DBI connector that simulates ANSI-SQL compliance".
    – cts
    Apr 10, 2017 at 22:39
  • 1
    I also started a question regarding unsafe interpolation stackoverflow.com/questions/43385119/…
    – Pranasas
    Apr 13, 2017 at 11:15
  • how do you run the query generated in sqlInterpolate on the MySQL db? The standard R documentation on sqlInterpolate function is inadequate. Jun 18, 2017 at 5:23
  • 2
    I just wanted to add that you don't need to put quotes around ?name e.g. don't do "?name"...that causes no interpolation to happen, just a debugging tip for anyone that is having trouble
    – Colin D
    Jul 20, 2017 at 3:46

Indeed the use of bind variables is not really well documented. Anyway the ODBC commands in R work differently for different databases. One possibility for postgres would be like this:

res <- postgresqlExecStatement(con, "SELECT * FROM table WHERE value > $1", c(5))

Hope it helps.

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