I'm trying to override the standard raw_input so I can have a "remote raw_input".

What I need is to implement this overriden raw_input so when I use it on my server, it will open a message box in the remote client's computer and wait for his answer. After getting the response, I'll then be able to continue with my program.

I've been searching a lot about how I can do this, but I'm a little lost mostly because I'm new to python.

And I have to do this with raw_input, is that possible? Can someone give me a little guidance?


One good example of what I'm trying to achieve is how Jupyter handles raw_inputs.

In this notebook I simply run a raw_input, then Jupyter creates a textbox and waits for my answer:

Jupyter textbox

And then after I type my answer it goes on with the code:

Jupyter textbox2

So how does Jupyter get 'in the middle' of the raw_input to create a textbox and wait for the user input?

1 Answer 1


Overriding builtins is, generally, not recommended for a number of reasons. Instead, try something like the following, using receive_input instead of raw_input.

CLI    = 2
config.input_type = CLI # in cli code, or SERVER in server code
def receive_input(cfg):
    if cfg.input_type == CLI:
        return raw_input()
    elif cfg.input_type == SERVER:
        # retrieve from somewhere else

Jupyter likely scans the AST of the input for raw_input called as a function and replaces that with their implementation.

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