I try to use wildfly-maven-plugin to build example service. The source code is:


I want to simple use the wildfly-maven-plugin in maven pom.xml:


To build the test server like command:

 mvn wildfly:run

to run the server.

I can find the README.md but the url written seems wrong.

I test the link:




All give me 404 error.

what is wrong of it?

how to make mvn wildfly:run can run this project?

  • 1
    the pom indicates the war name is going to be wildfly-helloworld-html5, not jboss-helloworld-html5.
    – Gimby
    Jul 22, 2016 at 7:39

1 Answer 1


As Gimby said your context path should be wildfly-helloworld-html5. It looks like the README is incorrect. The URL should be http://localhost:8080/wildfly-helloworld-html5/hello/xml/YOUR_NAME and http://localhost:8080/wildfly-helloworld-html5/hello/json/YOUR_NAME.

Also when you start you should see a log message on the console like the following.

08:22:18,281 INFO  [org.wildfly.extension.undertow] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 58) WFLYUT0021: Registered web context: /wildfly-helloworld-html5

That will give you the context that was registered.

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