I have created some HTTPS-Server with a self signed certificate with this CN=localhost. But when I'm starting the Client, it tells me some Bind-Exception:

socket::connect fails with error code = 10049

I created some new certificate with CN=hostname, which I found out (and which is the computer name) with following line:

hostname = InetAddress.getLocalHost());

But this way is not a practical for me. I want to create one certificate with some URL like example.com and want to use this certificate more than one time. So i had following idea: I adding some url to /etc/hosts-file with this:      example.com

And then I'm using the URL example.com.

Is there any way to change InetAddress.getLocalhost? Or is there a possibility to use some customer ip-address order hostname?

I have used:

InetSocketAddress address = new InetSocketAddress("test.com",9999);

to create a customer address, but this not resolved the Bind-Exception.

Do someone have any ideas?


1 Answer 1


When hostname to hostname mapping is not possible, let us create certificate with IP Address and later map n number of hostnames to same IP Address.

Create the certificate with CN= or CN=<LOCAL_IP_ADDRESS> and then resolve it to example.com through hosts file and then try to use InetSocketAddress address = new InetSocketAddress("example.com",9999);

  • Hello! Thx for your response! I have created a new self signed certificate and imported it to my existing keystore. Now i have got this exception: Exception thrown: javax.microedition.pki.CertificateException:Certificate does not contain the correct site name localhost vs test.com I dont understand this exception. Because i have imported both! The certificate for localhost and test.com. :-(
    – Mira Mira
    Jul 25, 2016 at 14:18
  • How many entries do you have in the certificate? Could you try with a fresh certificate file with CN= Jul 25, 2016 at 14:27
  • What do you mean with "How many entries do you have in certificate?" I created a fresh certificate with openssl and imported this to my keystore. But this not resolved my problem. With my browser as client i am able to reach my server. But with my client, which is a java application i am getting know this error: IOException occured socket::connect fails with error code = 10051 when I am trying to reach the hostname, which i get like written above. I'm trying to resolve https://hostname:443/
    – Mira Mira
    Jul 26, 2016 at 11:35

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