I would like to write the same Ansible template to two different files, one with a value in the file set to True, and the other with a value set to False.

What's the best way to do this? My instinct was to try and pass a value in the template: directive. However, it seems like this is frowned upon.

One way would be to have two different jinja files with almost entirely the same contents; one has the value set to True and the other False.

Another way would be to define a variable, write one template, then use set_fact to change the variable's value, then write the second file. This also seems a little cumbersome.

Another would be to have the template detect what filename it's being rendered as, somehow? And branch in the template based on that.

I must be missing something obvious.


2 Answers 2


You can use a loop like so:

- Name: Name
    src: template
    dest: "{{item.name}}"
    - { name: one.txt, value: one }
    - { name: two.txt, value: two }

And the template will be like so:

KEY={{ item.value }}
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With Ansible 2.x you can use vars: with tasks:

- hosts: localhost
    - template: src=my_template.j2 dest=out1.txt
        name: John
    - template: src=my_template.j2 dest=out2.txt
        name: Jane

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