I need to find the characters Ag in a column comprised of a variety of string lengths/string positions but where Ag does not form part of a word (e.g. SAG, i.e. Ag is not preceded and/or followed by any letters [A-Z]).

I have tried

WHERE AttributeColumn LIKE '%[^A-Z]AG[^A-Z]%' 

but it excludes results when Ag has no other character before or after (i.e. string only contains Ag). Perhaps a REGEXP with the * function? So that Ag can be preceded and/or followed by zero or more of [A-Z]...

If this could work can you provide me with an example of the query for MS SQL?

  • What about punctuation e.g. is "The atomic symbol for silver is Ag, Argon is Ar" a match?
    – onedaywhen
    Jul 29, 2016 at 7:46

4 Answers 4


What about about padding the searched string with valid separators e.g. spaces? e.g.

WHERE ' ' + AttributeColumn + ' ' LIKE '%[^A-Z]AG[^A-Z]%' 

how about this?,

WHERE AttributeColumn LIKE '%[^A-Z]AG[^A-Z]%' 
    OR AttributeColumn LIKE 'AG[^A-Z]%' 
    OR AttributeColumn LIKE '%[^A-Z]AG' 
    OR AttributeColumn = 'AG' 

Could you just match the specific case of the search? If 'Ag' won't turn up in your results of course

USE tempdb;
CREATE TABLE dbo.foo(bar VARCHAR(32) COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AS);
INSERT dbo.foo VALUES('John'),('john');
SELECT bar FROM dbo.foo 
WHERE bar LIKE 'j%';
-- 1 row

SELECT bar FROM dbo.foo 
WHERE bar COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS LIKE 'j%';
-- 2 rows

DROP TABLE dbo.foo;

More info here Is the LIKE operator case-sensitive with MS SQL server?


Will this work for you? ([^A-Z]|\s)AG([^A-Z]|\s)

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