I am integrating a Slack bot in Jenkins post-build action. I have been able to send notification and create custom messages using the Slack plugin, however I wanted to send a @channel or @bot in the bot message which can be used to urgently notify the team.

Is there any existing way/hack to do this? Unfortunately, using these keywords via the plugin just result in them being rendered as plain text, without any broadcast action.

  • What happens if you simply include @channel in the message?
    – halfer
    Aug 4, 2016 at 18:39
  • @halfer it just goes as plain text, it does not trigger any notification Aug 4, 2016 at 19:41

1 Answer 1


To mention someone or a channel you can use one of the following syntax:

  • <!channel>
  • <!group>
  • <!here>
  • <!everyone>
  • <@USERID>

See Basic message formatting for more information.

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