I develop a Spring API and for any Exception or error case I want to send to a client a formal json answer.

I have already read aboud @ExceptionHandler and implemented it. But there is at least one case when the application throws an HTTP error without a corresponding Exception, hence I cannot generate a corresponding json answer for it.

When the API request is not supported (for example, I add an integer number to the path in the post request) the client receives:

  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1"/>
  <title>Error 405</title>
  <h2>HTTP ERROR: 405</h2>
      Problem accessing /a/wrong/path/67. Reason:
      <pre>Request method 'POST' not supported</pre>
      <small>Powered by Jetty://</small>

and nothing in JSON format, which i little bit breakes the integrity of my application.

Is there something like an HTTP error handler for Spring? How can I generat a json answer for such a case?

Thank you in advance.



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