On React-Native, how can I know if "Debug JS Remotely" is enabled?

I tried looking in RN docs and various NPM packages, but couldn't find out how...

7 Answers 7


How to programmatically check if remote debugging is enabled (just found this peculiar behaviour today on another SO question). Tested on RN 0.43 and with Chrome debugger + React Native Debugger :

const isDebuggingEnabled = (typeof atob !== 'undefined');

Edit: just noticed this was asked over half a year ago :D... well, I leave it here for future generations.

  • If you are using react-native-web isDebuggingEnabled will always be true 👎
    – n1ru4l
    Dec 19, 2018 at 20:03

A class DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope exists iff remote debugging is enabled (it is the constructor of global object in that case). Thus we can:

const haveRemoteDev = (typeof DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope) !== 'undefined';

You can check global.nativeCallSyncHook

if (!global.nativeCallSyncHook) {
  console.log("Debug JS Remotely")

see more at: https://github.com/facebook/react-native/commit/417e191a1cfd6a049d1d4b0a511f87aa7f176082


Ran across this answer, but wasn't happy with checking for atob or being constrained to android. I found a function that appears to be a pretty good proxy for if the debugger is running, which is a global called __REMOTEDEV__.

In my case, I wanted to see requests made by the app in react-native-debugger, my full code is as follows:

 * When the debugger is connected, remove the XHR polyfill
 * so that the chrome inspector will be able to see requests
if (typeof global.__REMOTEDEV__ !== 'undefined') {
  const _XHR = GLOBAL.originalXMLHttpRequest ?
      GLOBAL.originalXMLHttpRequest :

  global.XMLHttpRequest = _XHR;
  • 6
    global.__REMOTEDEV__ is undefined even in debug mode. Sep 1, 2017 at 12:16
  • not working in RN 0.55 / Chrome 66 :( not sure when they changed it
    – Jokester
    May 16, 2018 at 18:15

Check __REMOTEDEV__ in a simple way:

if(global.__REMOTEDEV__) { console.log('Remote Debug'); }

So, any of the following answers didn't work for me...

I found out that the location pathname changes to /debugger-ui on global object:

if (global.location && global.location.pathname.includes('/debugger-ui')) {
  Alert.alert('Remote debug is on');
} else {
  Alert.alert('Remote debug is off');

Working on RN 0.59.

  • Not sure why other answers have many upvotes and your has 0, it is indeed the only one working for me on RN 0.63
    – gbalduzzi
    May 7, 2021 at 9:45

For Android, in the a shared preferences you can find the remote debug status. When I open the sharedPreferences file for my app.

Remote debug active

    <boolean name="remote_js_debug" value="true" />
    <boolean name="hot_module_replacement" value="true" />
    <boolean name="reload_on_js_change" value="true" />

Remote debug inactive

    <boolean name="remote_js_debug" value="false" />
    <boolean name="hot_module_replacement" value="true" />
    <boolean name="reload_on_js_change" value="true" />

So (Android only), you can use a module like this one : https://github.com/sriraman/react-native-shared-preferences to check if the remote debug is active.

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