I've been reading through the Rust book online and I've reached 4.1, Operators and Overloading. I noticed that std::ops::Add defines it as fn add(self, rhs: RHS) -> Self::Output; with a type Output defined separately in the trait.

I understand what's going on here: the add function accepts the left hand side as self, and the right hand side as the generic parameter type RHS.

I want to know why is the output type defined with the Output alias, instead of being another generic (ex. Add<RHS, Output>)? Is it just a convention, or is there a specific reason to it?


2 Answers 2


While functions operate on variables, you can think of traits as functions that operate on types. When thought of this way, the type parameters serve as inputs to the function and associated types serve as outputs.

Since Output is an associated type, for two types A and B that we wish to impl Add, we are restricted to picking a single Output type. Were Output a type parameter, we could impl Add for A and B in a myriad of ways.

For example, let us define a Mul trait where Output is a parameter:

trait Mul<RHS, Output> {
    fn mul(self, rhs: RHS) -> Output;

Now let us define a Complex type:

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
struct Complex {
    x: f64,
    y: f64,

impl Complex {
    fn new(x: f64, y: f64) -> Complex {
        Complex { x: x, y: y }

We want to be able to multiply it by f64:

impl Mul<f64, Complex> for Complex {
    fn mul(self, rhs: f64) -> Complex {
        Complex::new(self.x * rhs, self.y * rhs)

This all works fine. However, we could come up with a second implementation:

impl Mul<f64, f64> for Complex {
    fn mul(self, rhs: f64) -> f64 {
        self.x * rhs

When we multiply a Complex by a f64 now, it is ambiguous which implementation should be called, and extra type information is needed to be supplied by the caller. By making Output an associated type, this is disallowed. The following code throws a compiler error for conflicting implementations:

impl std::ops::Mul<f64> for Complex {
    type Output = Complex;
    fn mul(self, rhs: f64) -> Complex {
        Complex::new(self.x * rhs, self.y * rhs)

impl std::ops::Mul<f64> for Complex {
    type Output = f64;
    fn mul(self, rhs: f64) -> Complex {
        self.x * rhs

Full example

  • I see. So, with Mul<RHS, Output>, you need to set your variable type as x: Complex or x: f64 in order to decide which one you need, so the type Output decision was primarily a 'tidiness' decision. This looks like the best answer but I want to be sure I understand it; do I follow? Aug 24, 2016 at 8:55
  • That is how I understand it, yeah.
    – paholg
    Aug 24, 2016 at 8:56
  • And similarly, any attempts to 'overwrite' the standard implementation will be met with failure, meaning that once a type has a defined std::ops::Mul<T> for any given T, it can be relied on to be the only implementation. Okay, I think I get it. Thanks! Aug 24, 2016 at 8:59

It's about who gets to specify the output type. Generally when you multiply two types, say f64 by f64, it's clear what the type of the result should be: f64. It wouldn't make sense for the caller to ask for a result type of String - so it doesn't really make sense as an input.

I can imagine some cases where you might want the choice different output, but they're a bit niche (say u32 * u32 returning the full u64 result?); plus if there were more than one option, how do you specify which one you want? While you could write Add<u32, u64>::add(a, b), it would make simple expressions like a*b*c ambiguous and make type inference much harder!

  • This isn't the question. In my question I asked, 'why is the output type defined with the Output alias, instead of being another generic?' I understand that you might want to specify the output type - I'm not new to programming - but I want to know why they take this particular approach to it instead of the seemingly more obvious Add<RHS, Output> approach? Aug 24, 2016 at 7:44
  • 1
    Add<RHS, Output> would made Output an input type parameter, but it's not an input: it's a function of the LHS (Self) and RHS. I'll try to rework my answer to be clearer. Aug 24, 2016 at 8:00

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