I have little problem... I'm trying to run Skype Bot on new Microsoft Bot Framework on my own host with IIS. Because it's written in Node.js, I used iisnode to host it. Node is working on it, but when I test I get this error:

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<title>405 - P��kaz HTTP pou�it� k p��stupu na tuto str�nku nen� povolen.</title>
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<h2>405 � P��kaz HTTP pou�it� k p��stupu na tuto str�nku nen� povolen.</h2>
<h3>Hledanou str�nku nelze zobrazit, proto�e do�lo k pokusu o p��stup pomoc� neplatn� metody (p��kazu HTTP).</h3>

(It's in Czech, sorry)

This is app.js (Main script):

// Add your requirements
var restify = require('restify'); 
var builder = require('botbuilder');

// Setup Restify Server
var server = restify.createServer();
server.listen(process.env.PORT || 3000, function() 
console.log('%s poslouchá na %s', server.name, server.url); 

// Create chat bot
var connector = new builder.ChatConnector
({ appId: 'CENSORED', appPassword: 'CENSORED' }); 
var bot = new builder.UniversalBot(connector);
server.post('/api/messages', connector.listen());

// Create bot dialogs
bot.dialog('/', function (session) {
session.send("Hello World!");

It's just example I found here (https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/sarahsays/2016/06/01/microsoft-bot-framework-part-1/) I made it working locally with Microsoft Bot Framework Channel Emulator, so code is right.

I don't want to buy Azure for this...

Thanks for response :)

1 Answer 1


This post is quite old but you most probably have CORS issues - How are you testing ? Seems like the OPTIONS method (part of CORS preflight) is not being allowed. You have to enable CORS and most probably a config setting in IIS to allow HTTP methods other than the standard GET/PUT. (HEAD also comes to mind)

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