I've got a project where I'm trying to include a single file from a tree of java source files into a library project. Whatever I do I am not able to include only that file. I have had success in another project excluding all files except the one, but that only worked when running gradle from the library project only. When it was run from the application directory, all files were included. While trying to create a simple project that reproduces the issue, that same exclude all does not work either.

The sample file tree is simple:

application - android app that includes the two libraries
    Source1.java, Source2.java, Source3.java
    Source1.java, Source2.java, Source3.java

The library1 build.gradle looks like this. Neither of the includes or excludes work below.


apply plugin: 'com.android.library'
android {
    sourceSets {
        main.jni.srcDirs = []
        main.jniLibs.srcDir 'src/main/libs'
        main.java {
            srcDir "../../java/src"
            exclude  {  FileTreeElement elem ->
                println "Searching for files, found: " + elem.relativePath
                !(elem.isDirectory() || elem.name.equals('Library1Source.java'))
            //include ("**/libraryoneonly/**")
            //include ('com/company/product/pkg1/libraryoneonly/Library1Source.java')
dependencies {
    compile project(':library2')

And library2 build.gradle. Surprisingly, the uncommented exclude below does work.


apply plugin: 'com.android.library'

android {
        sourceSets {
            main.jni.srcDirs = []
            main.jniLibs.srcDir 'src/main/libs'
            main.java {
                srcDir "../../java/src"
                //exclude  {  FileTreeElement elem -> ((elem.path.contains('/libraryoneonly/')) ) }
                exclude ('com/company/product/pkg1/libraryoneonly/Library1Source.java')

Just to note, I never see the "Searching for files, found" text when library1 is building. I'm not sure why. I do see it in the larger project this test was modeled from, depending on where the build was run from.

If you'd like to pull the sample project and try it out, here is a link: https://github.com/gbak/gradleTest

3 Answers 3


I finally figured out the way to include a single file, without modifying the srcDir path:

main.java {
    srcDir "../../java/src"
    setIncludes(new HashSet(['com/company/product/pkg1/libraryoneonly/*.java']))

The path '**/*.java' is automatically included as an include, adding any more includes, like a direct include to the source file does nothing, since it is already included path anyway.

The setIncludes() call replaces any existing includes, including the '**/*.java' and sets the provided path[s] as the only include path.

Reading over the docs and adding the suggested printf statements after the main.java helped.

main.java.getIncludes().each { println "Added include: $it" }
main.java.sourceFiles.each { println "File in source set: " + it }

Thanks to all who have helped out.

  • You, have made my day. Thank you for posting this. It worked!
    – Afzal N
    Jan 23, 2020 at 21:45

Gradle'e SourceDirectorySet seems to be missing features. docs has a very telling note:

TODO - configure includes/excludes for individual source dirs, and sync up with CopySpec TODO - allow add FileTree

The lack of features on par with CopySpec means there isn't a logical way to do what you're asking. The include pattern first adds a list of files to the sourceSet and then you can exclude a few files from that set. Except,

  1. The main.java sourceset implicitly adds **\*.java
  2. There is no exclude everything that is not

means you are SOL.

You can declare a separate main.somethingElse source set and use include just that one file, but I wasn't able to figure out how to add the new sourceset to the compile path. The hack suggested here, using compiler args doesn't work anymore, java complains about invalid flags.

The only workaround I can think of is to use a path that excludes that files you do not want in main.java.srcDir for library1

    main.java {
        srcDir '../../java/src/com/company/product/pkg1/libraryoneonly'
  • Thanks for your response, I've tried the srcDir approach a while back and I remember there was some drawback, not allowing me to use it. I recall even splitting the sources into separate packages to do that. I'll have to try it again to refresh my memory. The exclude everything does work in another project.
    – Gary Bak
    Sep 16, 2016 at 14:26
  • Did you have a chance to retry the srcDir approach?
    – RaGe
    Sep 19, 2016 at 14:19
  • 1
    Please note that the Android Gradle plugin does not use Gradle's default Source(Directory)Set, but its own AndroidSource(Directory)Set implementation. So quoting the Gradle source code might not be valid here.
    – sschuberth
    Sep 19, 2016 at 14:20
  • @sschuberth True, but AndroidSourceSet and AndroidSourceDirectorySet just use the gradle implmentations underneath.
    – RaGe
    Sep 19, 2016 at 14:48
  • @RaGe - I tried changing the srcDir back to the package of the single desired file and the aar seems to be built correctly. The classes.jar only has the one file and its package seems correct. The entire app builds but I've yet to test the functionality through the app. Thanks
    – Gary Bak
    Sep 19, 2016 at 19:50

Your code seems to be correct to me, it's just that FileCollections like sourceFiles are lazily evaluated, i.e. your println statement is not executed until the contents of the source set are actually being requested.

Adding something like

main.java.sourceFiles.each { println "File in source set: " + it }

after the main.java {...} closure should actually make the println work.

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