I am using SED and looking for printing the line matched by pattern and next 4 lines after the pattern match.

Below is the summary of my issue. "myfile.txt" content has:

As specified in doc.
risk involved in astra.
I am not a schizophrenic;and neither am I.;
Be polite to every idiot you meet.;He could be your boss tomorrow.;
I called the hospital;but the line was dead.;
Yes, I’ve lost to my computer at chess.;But it turned out to be no match for me at kickboxing.;
The urologist is about to leave his office and says:; "Ok, let's piss off now.";
What's the best place to hide a body?;Page two of Google.;
You know you’re old;when your friends start having kids on purpose.;
You won’t find anything more poisonous;than a harmonious;and friendly group of females.;
Two state clerks meet in the corridor.;One asks the other,;"Couldn't sleep either?";
Why do women put on make-up and perfume?;Because they are ugly and they smell.;
Bruce Lee’s all-time favorite drink?;Wataaaaaaaah!;
Daddy what is a transvestite?;-Ask Mommy, he knows.;
That moment when you have eye contact while eating a banana.;

I'm using below command.

sed -n -e '/You/h' -e '/Two/{x;G;p}' myfile.txt

Output by my command:

You won’t find anything more poisonous;than a harmonious;and friendly group of females.;
Two state clerks meet in the corridor.;One asks the other,;"Couldn't sleep either?";

Desired output:

You won’t find anything more poisonous;than a harmonious;and friendly group of females.;
Two state clerks meet in the corridor.;One asks the other,;"Couldn't sleep either?";
Why do women put on make-up and perfume?;Because they are ugly and they smell.;
Bruce Lee’s all-time favorite drink?;Wataaaaaaaah!;
Daddy what is a transvestite?;-Ask Mommy, he knows.;
That moment when you have eye contact while eating a banana.;
  • 1
    awk '/You/{ getline;x=$0} /Two/ {print x ORS $0;for(i=1;i<=4;i++) {getline ;print $0} }' inputfile , this worked for me. but people says not to use getline. so avoid and not putting it in as answer.
    – P....
    Sep 20, 2016 at 9:07
  • how about grep -A 5 "You won" myfile.txt ?
    – Sundeep
    Sep 20, 2016 at 9:17
  • I need to match two patterns 'You on first line and Two on second line respectively.' As I have many You won't statements that I don't want,
    – Pooja
    Sep 20, 2016 at 9:27
  • pluse-uno for well constructed Q! Thanks for including input/required output/current code/current output. Keep posting and good luck to all.
    – shellter
    Sep 20, 2016 at 12:30

3 Answers 3


With GNU sed:

sed -n '/You/h;{/Two/{x;G;};//,+4p}' myfile.txt


You won’t find anything more poisonous;than a harmonious;and friendly group of females.;                                                                                                                                                     
Two state clerks meet in the corridor.;One asks the other,;"Couldn't sleep either?";                                                                                                                                                         
Why do women put on make-up and perfume?;Because they are ugly and they smell.;                                                                                                                                                              
Bruce Lee’s all-time favorite drink?;Wataaaaaaaah!;                                                                                                                                                                                          
Daddy what is a transvestite?;-Ask Mommy, he knows.;                                                                                                                                                                                         
That moment when you have eye contact while eating a banana.;  


  • /You/h: copy matching line into the hold space. As there is only one hold space, h will store the last line matching You (ie You won’t...)
  • /Two/{x: when Two is found, x exchange the pattern space with the hold space. At this point:

    into pattern space: You won’t find anything more poisonous;than a harmonious;and friendly group of females.;

    into hold space: Two state clerks meet in the corridor.;One asks the other,;"Couldn't sleep either?";

  • G: appends a new line to the pattern space and copies the hold space after the new line
  • //,+4p is an address range starting from // (empty address repeats the last regular expression match, ie first 2 lines matching), up to next 4 lines +4. The address range is output with p
  • good one! this would work for arbitrary number of lines after match, for ex: 98 as mentioned by OP in comments..
    – Sundeep
    Sep 20, 2016 at 10:07
  • I'm trying the decipher what you have written but not able to get how it is doing it? Please help and explain.
    – Pooja
    Sep 20, 2016 at 10:13
  • Thankyou very much... @Kenavoz You rock. I understand it now.
    – Pooja
    Sep 20, 2016 at 13:48
  • Does this match You and Two in consecutive lines?
    – potong
    Sep 20, 2016 at 13:55

maybe this help you;

sed -n -e '/You/h' -e '/Two/{N;N;N;N;x;G;p}' myfile.txt


user@host:/tmp$ sed -n -e '/You/h' -e '/Two/{N;N;N;N;x;G;p}' myfile.txt
You won’t find anything more poisonous;than a harmonious;and friendly group of females.;
Two state clerks meet in the corridor.;One asks the other,;"Couldn't sleep either?";
Why do women put on make-up and perfume?;Because they are ugly and they smell.;
Bruce Lee’s all-time favorite drink?;Wataaaaaaaah!;
Daddy what is a transvestite?;-Ask Mommy, he knows.;
That moment when you have eye contact while eating a banana.;
  • 1
    Hi Muzido, Thanks. Do I have to specify N;N;N;N; for it 4 times? Isn't there any way to add 4N; kind of stuff. For another keywords I have to print 98 lines. Do I have to write 98 times N; for it?
    – Pooja
    Sep 20, 2016 at 9:13
  • Does this match You and Two in consecutive lines?
    – potong
    Sep 20, 2016 at 13:56

This might work for you (GNU sed):

sed -r 'N;/You.*\n.*Two/{:a;$!{N;s/\n/&/4;Ta};p;d};D' file

Read two lines into the pattern space, pattern match and then print four further lines (if possible). Otherwise, delete the first line and repeat.

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