I have built an API which essentially has three calls. Firstly, a call is made to retrieve a token. Next, I have a type of autocomplete feature which returns data and the coresponding table it should look up. This data is returned like so

    "result": "Apples",
    "table": "fruitTable"
    "result": "Bread",
    "table": "breadTable"
    "result": "Pie",
    "table": "pieTable"

My final route is like the following

Route::get('returnSelectedResult/{table}/{selected}', array('uses'=>'APIController@returnSelectedResult'));

Whereby it uses the lookup results above to get the right table and the selected option. Then I do the following

public function returnSelectedResult($table, $selected)
    $tableData = DB::table($table)->where('search_item', $selected)->get();
    return response($tableData, 200);

So this all works fine. However, the data in the table is flat. So the final thing returned to the user of the API is something like this

    "search_item": "Bread",
    "num_types": 34,
    "most_ordered": 'Baggette',
    "most_popular_day": 'Saturday',
    "average_profit": 3.5,

What I am showing is a very cut down version, there is a lot more data returned but it is all at the same level. What I need to return to the user is something more along the lines of this

    "searched" : {
        "search_item": "Bread"
    "types" : {
        "num_types": 34
    "analytics" : {
        "most_ordered": 'Baggette',
        "most_popular_day": 'Saturday',
        "average_profit": 3.5

What would be the best way to achieve something like this?


  • The best way is to reformat your array like you need
    – u_mulder
    Sep 24, 2016 at 11:12

3 Answers 3


You can explicitly build the array with the query results.

  • I was confused whether to do this, or if I needed to Model things. Sep 24, 2016 at 11:31

if you really want to build api you should use transformers for a better presentation of data .

you can use phpleague/fractal or if you want full api package i recommend you to try dingo/api .

  • fractal looks interesting, will take a look into it, thanks Sep 24, 2016 at 11:31

Do something like this, Now I have done for analytics

class MainClass
  public $searched;
  public $types;
  public $analytics;

class AnalyticsClass
  public $most_ordered;
  public $most_popular_day;
  public $average_profit;

$obj_data = new AnalyticsClass();
$obj_data->most_ordered = 'Baggette';  
$obj_data->most_popular_day = 'Saturday';
$obj_data->average_profit = 3.5;

$obj_main = new MainClass();
$obj_main->analytics = $obj_data; 

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