In my API I have a function that returns std::istringstream.
The std::istringstream class is non-copyable but supports moving so on a conforming compiler there is no problem returning a local std::istringstream.

However, on gcc 4.9, there is no support for moving std::istringstream. Is there some workaround that I can use that std::istringstream without changing the API from the user's perspective?

The workaround suggested here, of using a unique_ptr<std::istringstream> will change the semantics of the API.

  • 4
    I do not see how you can have a workaround if you cannot change the return type. Oct 18, 2016 at 14:16
  • Well, say I take the result with auto (or just use it as a temporary) - so you could return something else. I now think it's possible to create a wrapper with the same interface and return that.
    – Adi Shavit
    Oct 18, 2016 at 14:19
  • The wrapper would hit the same problem. You cannot move the stream into the wrapper and you cannot copy it so how do you get the wrapper out of the function? Oct 18, 2016 at 14:21
  • Since this is a workaround anyway, a colleague suggested that I could just copy the ios state and the stream buffer in the wrapper copy-ctor (or move-ctor). This will get the code to work correctly on the older compiler with some potential performance cost. If he doesn't post his solution I will.
    – Adi Shavit
    Oct 18, 2016 at 14:23
  • 4
    don't use 4.9 then. That's the answer to the question as posed.
    – xaxxon
    Oct 18, 2016 at 14:27

3 Answers 3


If you can't move the std::istringstream, there's no much way around it.

If an object is non copiable and non movable, you can't return it by value. If you want to support new features, you better get a new compiler for those.

In the meatime, you could return a unique_ptr. If you're really eager to return by value, you could return a movable wrapper that contains a std::unique_ptr<std::istringstream> and provide the same interface as a istringstream. However, this also affect the return type.

It may be tempting to return by rvalue reference. Here's what you can do:

struct MyApiClass {

    std::istringstream&& get_stream() {
        return std::move(*_stream);

    std::unique_ptr<std::istringstream> _stream;

Then, with your old compiler, you can use it like this:

std::istringstream&& stream = myApiClass.get_stream();

// use stream as long as myApiClass exists

People using a new compiler will be able to use it like that:

std::istringstream stream = myApiClass.get_stream();

// use stream normally

This is the way the api is less affected. Other than that, I don't know any workaround.


The way to return class without move/copy constructor is to use the return statement with braced-init-list:

class C {
    C() = default;
    C(const C&) = delete;
    C(C&&) = delete;

C make_C() { return {}; }

int main() {
    C&& c = make_C();


Unfortunately, only non-explicit constructor are considered for this initialization and std::istringstream have explicit constructor.

One workaround is to create a sub-class with non explicit constructor:

struct myIStringStream : std::istringstream
    myIStringStream () = default;

myIStringStream make_istringstream()
    return {};

int main()
    std::istringstream&& iss = make_istringstream();



Answering my own question for completeness and future reference.

The goal was to find a workaround for the gcc (< 5) bug where std::istringstream does not provide a move ctor that will work in cases where I want to return the un-copyable and (bugly-) unmovable stream.
As mentioned in the comments, I can in fact change my function signature (at least on gcc < 5) to return a proxy object that allows copying or moving without changing the API for code used on newer/other compilers.

The idea, suggested and implemented by a colleague, is to create a proxy object around std::istringstream which provides a similar API, but also provides a copy-ctor which manually creates and initializes a new internal std::istringstream from the copied-from stream. This proxy is used only on the offending compilers.

The code in its natural habitat is here.
Here's the relevant part:

#if !defined(__GNUC__) || (__GNUC__ >= 5)
   using string_stream = std::istringstream;
    // Until GCC 5, istringstream did not have a move constructor.
    // stringstream_proxy is used instead, as a workaround.
   class stringstream_proxy
      stringstream_proxy() = default;

      // Construct with a value.
      stringstream_proxy(std::string const& value) :

      // Copy constructor.
      stringstream_proxy(const stringstream_proxy& other) :

      void setstate(std::ios_base::iostate state) { stream_.setstate(state); }

      // Stream out the value of the parameter.
      // If the conversion was not possible, the stream will enter the fail state,
      // and operator bool will return false.
      template<typename T>
      stringstream_proxy& operator >> (T& thing)
         stream_ >> thing;
         return *this;

      // Get the string value.
      std::string str() const { return stream_.str(); }

      std::stringbuf* rdbuf() const { return stream_.rdbuf(); }

      // Check the state of the stream. 
      // False when the most recent stream operation failed
      operator bool() const { return !!stream_; }

      ~stringstream_proxy() = default;
      std::istringstream stream_;
   using string_stream = stringstream_proxy;

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