I want to get devnum for a specific tty e.g. /dev/ttyUSB1. To do so I modified the answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/20341112/2429333 as follows:

int get_devnum(const char *filename)
    if( filename == NULL) return -1;

    int retval;
    const char *path;
    const char *sysattr;
    struct udev *udev;
    struct udev_enumerate *enumerate;
    struct udev_list_entry *devices, *dev_list_entry;
    struct udev_device *dev;

    retval = -1;

    udev = udev_new();

    enumerate = udev_enumerate_new(udev);
    udev_enumerate_add_match_subsystem(enumerate, "tty");
    devices = udev_enumerate_get_list_entry(enumerate);

    udev_list_entry_foreach(dev_list_entry, devices) {

        path = udev_list_entry_get_name(dev_list_entry);
        dev = udev_device_new_from_syspath(udev, path);

        if(strcmp(udev_device_get_devnode(dev), filename) == 0)
            dev = udev_device_get_parent_with_subsystem_devtype(
            sysattr = udev_device_get_sysattr_value(dev, "devnum");
            if(sysattr != NULL)
                retval = strtol(sysattr, NULL, 10);


    return retval;

What I don't like about this solution is that I have to iterate over all those list entries in a specific subsystem. Is there a way I can use devnode information (filename) to get the portnum with libudev?

1 Answer 1


Devices which present a "traditional" file I/O style interface to user space can be uniquely identified (for historical reasons) using a combination of their devnum (composed of major+minor number), and type (character or block).

A libudev device can be created by calling udev_device_new_from_devnum() with the type and devnum as parameters.

Given a filesystem path to the device, you can use one of the c library stat() family of calls to discover the type and devnum.

The devnum you need will be in the st_rdev member of the stat struct.

The type can be inferred from the contents of the st_mode member. Check if st_mode & S_IFMT is equal to S_ISCHR or S_ISBLK respectively. Based on this test result, pass either 'c' or 'b' as the type argument.

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