I want to setup session timeout to 15 minutes. I set server.session.timeout to 900 and it works when I run the app in the provided Tomcat. However, when I deploy the application on the JBoss session timeout doesn't occur after 15 minutes. How can I achieve this?

  • Can you share your web.xml or the code where you configured the timeout ?
    – Vasu
    Oct 27, 2016 at 12:15

2 Answers 2


In spring boot server.session.timeout is in minutes not seconds.

In your web.xml, number is in minutes.

<web-app ...>
  • I think that server.session.timeout property does not apply on JBoss, since I had it set to 900, but the session expired after 30 minutes...
    – dplesa
    Oct 27, 2016 at 14:32
  • 1
    You need to override the deault developer.jboss.org/wiki/HttpSessionTimeout
    – Essex Boy
    Oct 27, 2016 at 14:42

If you are using Spring Boot, you can add the below property to your WEB-INF/application.properties (if you don't have one, create it under WEB-INF folder):


For more details on application.properties, you can refer the below link:


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