I was working with drag Events on browsers using 'dragstart', 'dragleave' events. The behavior is very different in Internet Explorer 11 when one just adds a width property. As soon as a width property is specified for the elements, the dragLeave event starts firing and without it, it doesn't. Can someone explain why exactly two different behaviors are observed just because of a width property. This issue is specefically observed in IE11.

Here are two jsFiddles that differ only in their CSS: https://jsfiddle.net/fb5sp5yc/1 https://jsfiddle.net/f3ap2242/3. In other browsers(Chrome, Firefox), everything fires as expected.

HTML Body:

<div id="d" draggable="true">MoveInMoveOut</div><br>
<div id="s" draggable="true">DragMe</div>
<select id=oResults size=30>
    <option>List of Events Fired

JS Code:

function ShowResults() { 
    var oNewOption = new Option(); 
    oNewOption.text = event.type + "  fired by  " + event.srcElement.id;

var myDiv = document.getElementById("d");
myDiv.addEventListener('dragenter', ShowResults, false);
myDiv.addEventListener('dragleave', ShowResults, false);


#s {
    background-color: red;
    width: 200px; /*Only this property changes*/

#d {
    background-color: yellow;
    width: 200px; /*Only this property changes*/
  • Seems like an IE-specific bug. It works fine in Edge, so I would just specify a width to make it work. Unfortunately that's the nature of IE these days. Even Microsoft has abandoned it for a new browser.
    – Dan Wilson
    Nov 20, 2016 at 14:01

1 Answer 1


In Chrome,if the width of s and d is more than the element's width then there will be a default overflow property, but IE it won't happen by default. I tried giving

#oResults{ overflow:visible; }

It worked fine for me, please try including this and test in IE.

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