I want to add custom user notifications in liferay 7. For this If I were using liferay 6.2 I would have to make entries like user-notification-definitions and user-notification-handler-class in liferay-portlet.xml . But in liferay I want to ask where to put these entries. Please help....thanx in advance..

2 Answers 2


You can also find similar properties here :


According to above link, user-notification-definitions is not supported though OSGI props.



You can still use this file in legacy portlets (packaged in WAR files).

For OSGi Components, the settings from that file end up in the properties for your component. Those properties starting with javax.portlet mirror the settings from portlet.xml, those starting with com.liferay mirror those that are documented for liferay-portlet.xml

  • Thanks Olaf for your reply..Does this mean I have to make entries in liferay-portlet.xml? If yes, where is it located? I can't find it in the portlet. Do I need to make a custom file named liferay-portlet.xml inside my portlet? Dec 1, 2016 at 10:51
  • Are you packaging WAR files? : yes. Are you creating OSGi bundles? : no
    – Olaf Kock
    Dec 1, 2016 at 11:30

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