In my Android App, the user wants to search for a book by its book name(title) . Now the problem that I face is that the user's will not always ,rather, most likely not be equal to the book name that is already there for various books posted by various other users .

So how do I search for books having the same book name without taxing the client's phone.

For example

enter image description here

If I use Firebase's native OrderByChild().equalTo() function , the user will have to explicitly type "ABC".But I want to make sure that my app returns this Book even when the user just types "abc " or "a" .

EDIT:- If your are gonna suggest me to write some server-side code , please help me on how I should proceed because I have read the other questions and still understood nothing.

Thanks in advance .

  • FirebaseDatabase.getInstance() .getReference("BookFair").orderByChild("bookName").startAt("Abc").endAt("abc"); Dec 27, 2016 at 13:29

1 Answer 1


What you are looking for is called Full-text search. Unfortunately, firebase does not provide this feature out-of-the-box.

This link might give you a idea of what you need to do.

Basically you need to setup another server for indexing your content.

Check this out if you need an idea about full text search

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