I want to pass an interface as parameter like this:

class Test {
    fun main() {
        // how can I pass here?

    fun test(handler: Handler) {
        // do something

    interface Handler {
        fun onCompleted()

In Java, I can use anonymous function like test(new Handler() { .......... }), but I can't do this in Kotlin. Anyone know how to do this?

3 Answers 3


In Kotlin you can do :

test(object: Handler {
    override fun onComplete() {


Or make a property the same way:

val handler = object: Handler {
    override fun onComplete() {


And, somewhere in code: test(handler)

  • 8
    You can decalre function as: fun test(handler: () -> Unit) (or other than Unit, if you want to return something) Jan 14, 2017 at 12:22
  • 2
    How I can I use the lambda to implement callback feature (Java). I want the implementation in different class and invocation on that in different Jan 12, 2018 at 7:51

since your interface has only one function. you can convert it to SAM like this

fun interface Handler {
        fun onCompleted()

then you can just implement this interface using lambda instead and so reduce the overall written code. this is only possible in v1.4

  • thank you this is EXACTLY what I was looking for
    – Joozd
    Mar 8, 2021 at 9:38

Attached is an example of how to pass an object by parameter that represents the value of the data type and invoke behaviors using interface inheritance.

fun main() {

    val customClass = CustomClass(
            object : First {
                override fun first() {
                    println("first new impl")
                override fun second() {
                    println("second new impl")



data class CustomClass(val first: First)

interface First: Second {
    fun first() {
        println("first default impl")

interface Second {
    fun second() {
        println("second default impl")

It is worth mentioning that with super.first() or super.second() the default behavior of the interface is being invoked.

It doesn't make much sense to pass a lamda with an anonymous object as a parameter, lambda: () -> Unit , if what we need is to invoke the functions.



  • how does this answer the question? Apr 6, 2020 at 13:10
  • 1
    @SarpBaşaraner What I had answered was like casting to an interface so it did not make much sense regarding the question. I already updated my answer. Thanks Oct 12, 2020 at 20:26

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